Pengembangan Board Game Edukasi Dengan Teknologi Augmented Reality (Studi Kasus Permainan Ular Tangga)

Simanjuntak, Mikhanael Mual Parsaulian (2018) Pengembangan Board Game Edukasi Dengan Teknologi Augmented Reality (Studi Kasus Permainan Ular Tangga). Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Dalam fase anak-anak pada umur 4 hingga 8 tahun atau dapat dikatakan fase golden age dimana mereka mulai memahami semua hal dalam lingkungan sekitar mereka, sehingga dibutuhkan adanya arahan yang baik dalam pendidikan dalam membaca dan berhitung. Game edukasi adalah salah satu bentuk permainan yang membawa unsur pembelajaran ke dalam permainan. Keinteraktivisan seorang anak dalam bermain juga penting untuk menarik minat anak dalam bermain sambil belajar. Game yang dirancang pada penilitian ini menggunakan metode Iterative Rapid Paper Prototype yang digunakan untuk mencari tahu unsur menyenangkan, menarik minat anak-anak untuk belajar dan bermain, serta mendapat pengalaman yang baik dalam menguji interaktivitas Augmented Reality yang dibawakan dalam game. Pengembangan permainan Ular Tangga dengan teknologi AR untuk menarik minat anak belajar menjadi salah satu tujuan dalam penilitian ini. Pengaruh dengan hasil pengujian yang dilakukan melalui fun testing, pre-testing, dan post-testing setelah koresponden memainkan Ular Tangga Berhitung menunjukkan hasil yang membuat minat anak-anak untuk belajar matematika meningkat. Hasil yang didapat pada pengujian pre-test dengan rata-rata 72 ditunjukkan meningkat dibandingkan dengan hasil post-test yang mendapat rata-rata 92. Pada hasil pengujian fun testing didapat dari jawaban setiap soal 80% menjawab puas terhadap game Ular Tangga Berhitung.

English Abstract

In the phase of children at the age of 4 to 8 or can be said to be the golden age phase where they begin to understand everything in the environment around them, so there is a need for good direction in education in reading and calculating as in mathematics. Educational games are one form of game that brings elements of learning into the game. The interactivity as child in playing is also important to attract the interest of children in playing while learning. The game designed in this study uses the Iterative Rapid Paper Prototype method, which is used to found out the fun elements, attract children to learn and play, and get good experience in testing the interactivity of Augmented Reality that is delivered in the game. The development of the game Snakes and Ladders with AR technology, which is to attract the interest of learning children has become one of the goals in this research. Influence within the game are shown by the results of tests that carried out through fun testing, pre-testing, and post-testing. After the correspondent plays the Snakes and Ladders Counting shows that the results that make children's interest in learning mathematics increase. The results obtained in the pre-test with an average of 72 shown increased compared to the post-test results which got an average of 92. The results of the fun testing test were obtained from the answers for each question and most 80% of the correspondent shown satisfied with the game Snakes and Ladders Counting.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/FTIK/2018/1024/051900816
Uncontrolled Keywords: Augmented Reality, Board Game, Fun Testing, Iterative Rapid Paper Prototype, Permainan Edukasi-Augmented Reality, Board Game, Fun Testing, Game Education, Iterative Rapid Paper Prototype
Subjects: 700 The Arts > 796 Athletic and outdoor sports and games > 796.07 Education, research, related topics
Divisions: Fakultas Ilmu Komputer > Teknik Informatika
Depositing User: soegeng sugeng
Date Deposited: 14 Apr 2020 12:50
Last Modified: 18 May 2022 07:54
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