The Struggle Of Living As Afghan Diaspora In America Depicted In Khaled Hosseini’s The Kite Runner

Asmawi, Andi Srining Sakti (2018) The Struggle Of Living As Afghan Diaspora In America Depicted In Khaled Hosseini’s The Kite Runner. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Amerika adalah salah satu negara paling populer bagi imigran, hal ini membuat penduduk Amerika terdiri dari berbagai kelompok etnis besar yang berasal dari berbagai ras, kebangsaan, dan agama. Banyak imigran tinggal di Amerika karena berbagai alasan seperti belajar, bekerja, atau melarikan diri dari krisis ekonomi atau politik, konflik agama dan peperangan di tanah air mereka. Namun, para imigran yang datang dengan budaya asli mereka akan menyadari bahwa mereka berbeda jika dilihat dari nama, penampilan fisik, budaya, etnis, dan agama di antara penduduk lokal Amerika. Sayangnya, itu membuat mereka mengalami kehilangan rasa familiar yang menyebabkan perasaan seperti ketidaknyamanan, kerinduan dan ketidakbahagiaan yang membentuk perilaku panik, amarah, dan kehilangan perspektif. Peneliti melakukan penelitian pada novel Khaled Hosseini berjudul The Kite Runner untuk menganalisis perjuangan hidup sebagai diaspora Afghanistan di Amerika. Kritik postkolonial digunakan sebagai pendekatan untuk penelitian ini, terutama diaspora dan diaspora Afghanistan, untuk menganalisis data yang terkait dengan migrasi. Peneliti juga menggunakan adaptasi lintas budaya untuk menganalisis proses adaptasi yang berbeda dari masing-masing individu yang juga terbentuk dari parameter tingkat keberhasilan untuk proses adaptasi yang dilakukan. Penelitian ini mengungkapkan bahwa dari novel The Kite Runner, perjuangan hidup sebagai diaspora Afghanistan melingkupi masalah yang terdiri dari (1) aturan dan sistem yang berbeda dan (2) rasa kerinduan kepada tanah air. Penelitian ini juga mengungkapkan bagaimana diaspora Afghanistan bertahan hidup ketika mereka berjuang untuk memperbaiki kehidupan mereka yang meliputi perjuangan hidup dengan (1) bekerja sebagai pegawai pom bensin dan membuka usaha bisnis kecil di pasar loak, (2) membangun kebersamaan, (3) keterbukaan pikiran dan perilaku dan (4) pencapaian adaptasi lintas budaya.

English Abstract

America is one of the most popular countries for immigrants, that includes large variety of ethnic groups coming from various races, nationalities, and religions. Many immigrants live in America for many different reasons such as studying, working, or running away from economic or politic crisis, religious conflict and warfare in their homeland. However, the immigrants who come along with their original culture will realize that they are different by having different name, physical appearance, culture, ethnicity, and religion among the local people from the land. Unfortunately, it makes them experience the loss of the familiarity which causes common feelings range from mild uneasiness, homesickness and unhappiness to panic, severe irritability, and loss of perspective. The researcher conducted a study on Khaled Hosseini’s novel entitled The Kite Runner to analyze the struggle of living as Afghan diaspora in America. Postcolonial criticism is used as the approach for this research, especially diaspora and Afghan diaspora, to analyze the data related to the migration. The researcher also uses cross-cultural adaptation to analyze the process of adaptation that is different for each individual also to be the parameter of the success level to the adjustment process. This research reveals that from The Kite Runner novel, the struggle of living as Afghan diaspora is revealed by the problems of Afghan diaspora in America which consist of (1) different rules and systems and (2) sense of longing far away from home. This research also revealed how the Afghan diaspora survive as they compromise to the problems in the struggles of Afghan diaspora to improve their life which consist of (1) working in a gas station and establishing business at flea market, (2) building togetherness, (3) openness of mind and behavior and (4) cross-cultural adaptation accomplishment.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/FBS/2018/478/051812216
Uncontrolled Keywords: diaspora Afghanistan, adaptasi lintas budaya, diaspora, kritik post-colonial, The Kite Runner, novel / Afghan diaspora, cross-cultural adaptation, diaspora, post-colonial criticism, The Kite Runner, novel
Subjects: 800 Literature (Belles-letters) amd rhetorics > 809 History, description, critical appraisal of more than two literatures > 809.9 Literature displaying specific features, miscellaneous writings > 809.93 Literature displaying other aspects > 809.933 Literature dealing with specific themes and subjects > 809.933 55 Literature--Social aspects
Divisions: Fakultas Ilmu Budaya > Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris
Depositing User: Endang Susworini
Date Deposited: 15 Apr 2020 14:59
Last Modified: 17 Jun 2022 01:34
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