Efektivitas Dublin Regulation III Dalam Penanganan Krisis Pengungsi Suriah Di Wilayah Uni Eropa Tahun 2015

Fillah, Nublah (2018) Efektivitas Dublin Regulation III Dalam Penanganan Krisis Pengungsi Suriah Di Wilayah Uni Eropa Tahun 2015. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Pecahnya perang saudara atau civil war di Suriah pada tahun 2011 telah mengakibatkan terjadinya perpindahan lebih dari 4 juta warga Suriah menuju berbagai negara tetangga di sekitar Suriah diantaranya Uni Eropa. Dengan landasan utama kebijakan Uni Eropa menagani pengungsi melaui Dublin Regulation III, berupa suatu prinsip negara yang menjadi tempat registrasi pertama dari pengungsi merupakan negara yang bertanggungjawab atas pemenuhan hak dari pengungsi tersebut. Hal ini menimbulkan konflik antara negara anggota Uni Eropa, terlihat dari terjadi ketidak seragaman sikap negara anggota yang menyambut baik pengungsi dan melakukan penolakan keras terhadap pengungsi. Hal ini kemudian menimbulkan pertanyaan Bagaimana Keefektivitasan Dublin Regulation III Dalam Menangani Krisis Pengungsi Suriah Di Wilayah Uni Eropa pada Tahun 2015. Penelitian ini menggunakan konsep efektifitas rezim oleh ArildUnderdal yang terdiridari Variabel Independen, Interveining Variabel dan Variabel Dependen dalam melihat keefektifitasan suatu rezin internasional.

English Abstract

The 2011 civil war that took place in Syria has resulted in the displacement of more than 4 million Syrians towards various neighboring countries around Syria including the European Union. With the main foundation of EU policy on managing refugees through the Dublin Regulation III, in the form of a principle of the country where the first registration of refugees is a country that is responsible for fulfilling the rights of these refugees has created conflict between EU member states, this can be seen from the disparity of behavior on EU member that welcome refugees and strongly reject refugees. This then raises the question How the Effectiveness of Dublin Regulation III in Addressing the Syrian Refugee Crisis in the European Union in 2015. This study uses the concept of regime effectiveness by ArildUnderdal which consists of Independent Variables, Interveining Variables and Dependent Variables in looking at the effectiveness of an international policy.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/FIS/2018/996/051900144
Uncontrolled Keywords: krisis pengungsi Suriah, Dublin Regulation, Uni Eropa, konsep efektivitas rezim.-crisis of Syrian refugees, Dublin Regulation, European Union, concept of regime effectiveness.
Subjects: 300 Social sciences > 305 Groups of people > 305.9 People by occupation and miscellaneous social statuses; people with disabilities and illnesses, gifted people > 305.906 People by miscellaneous social statuses > 305.906 9 People with status defined by changes in residence; antisocial, asocial, unemployed people; victims of war; veterans > 305.906 91 People with status defined by changes in residence > 305.906 914 Displaced persons
Divisions: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik > Hubungan Internasional
Depositing User: soegeng sugeng
Date Deposited: 09 Sep 2019 02:28
Last Modified: 19 Oct 2020 17:25
URI: http://repository.ub.ac.id/id/eprint/163656
Full text not available from this repository.

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