Strategi Pemenangan Dpd Partai Amanat Nasional Kota Bekasi Dalam Pemilihan Umum Tahun 2014 ( Studi Kasus Kenaikan Jumlah Dewan Terpilih Dari Dpd Partai Amanat Nasional Pada Tahun 2014 Dibanding Pemilihan Umum Tahun 2009 )

Muhammad, Fahrianto (2018) Strategi Pemenangan Dpd Partai Amanat Nasional Kota Bekasi Dalam Pemilihan Umum Tahun 2014 ( Studi Kasus Kenaikan Jumlah Dewan Terpilih Dari Dpd Partai Amanat Nasional Pada Tahun 2014 Dibanding Pemilihan Umum Tahun 2009 ). Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.



English Abstract

In the 2014 election PAN Bekasi City has an increased number of elected councils from PAN Bekasi city than the previous period. Previously PAN Bekasi City is only had two councils in the Bekasi City DPRD then Became four members of councils in Bekasi City DPRD. In terms to face the election PAN Kota Bekasi formed a team of KPPD which focusing on election matters such administrative problems and party winning strategy. In the 2014 election, PAN of Bekasi city did political strategy in the form of marketing politics such as using the way in which they sell their candidates in the community so the candidates serve as sales products so that the public would vote for the candidate. In order for community to accept the candidates from PAN party, PAN did an observation to the community to know the needs and wishes that expected by each candidate so that they can formulate a strategy that they will use so that people will accept candidates from PAN. Besides PAN Bekasi City also chose their candidates not only from the party cadres but also invites all the community to become a candidate so that Bekasi City can choose the right candidate according to the criteria and wishes of the people which commonly called Catch All. In addition, using an approach with community leaders is the most appropriate way to confront the elections so that many people who will vote for the party are approached by the leader of Citizen Association such as RW and religious leaders who has a large mass base. Furthermore, to attract the youth elector then each candidate must follow the trend progress for example is creating a website for every candidate so that the youth who always use technology in everyday life can access through the cyberspace.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/FIS/2018/436/051806319
Uncontrolled Keywords: Political Strategy, KPPD Team, Political Marketing, Observation, Community Leader Approach, Technology Usage.
Subjects: 300 Social sciences > 321 Systems of governments and states > 321.8 Democratic government
Divisions: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik > Ilmu Politik
Depositing User: Budi Wahyono Wahyono
Date Deposited: 23 Apr 2019 02:20
Last Modified: 21 Oct 2021 06:13
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