Penerapan Pasal 6 Peraturan Bank Indonesia Nomor: 18/16/Pbi/2016 Tentang Rasio Loan To Value Terhadap Non Performing Loan Pada Kredit Properti Rumah Toko (Studi Di Pt. Bank Tabungan Negara (Persero) Tbk. Kantor Pusat Jakarta)

Lutfi, Achmad (2018) Penerapan Pasal 6 Peraturan Bank Indonesia Nomor: 18/16/Pbi/2016 Tentang Rasio Loan To Value Terhadap Non Performing Loan Pada Kredit Properti Rumah Toko (Studi Di Pt. Bank Tabungan Negara (Persero) Tbk. Kantor Pusat Jakarta). Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Skripsi ini akan membahas mengenai penerapan pasal 6 peraturan bank Indonesia nomor: 18/16/PBI/2016 tentang rasio Loan to Value terhadap non performing loan pada kredit properti rumah toko oleh Bank Tabungan Negara Kantor Pusat Jakarta. Terkait penerapan tersebut, Bank Tabungan Negara Kantor Pusat Jakarta memberikan rasio LTV sesuai dengan peraturan yang ada. Dalam penerapannya terdapat beberapa hambatan yakni berkaitan dengan developer tidak bisa memberikan kepastian atau ketentuan harga jual properti, Nasabah atau debitur tidak bisa menyanggupi kredit, serta pihak bank kurang teliti dalam pelaksanaan kredit. Upaya dalam mengatasi hambatan-hambatan yang dialami oleh pihak bank ialah pihak bank melakukan perjanjian kredit dengan developer yang mana pihak bank mempunyai jaminan yang akan diberikan oleh developer yang dapat digunakan untuk menyelesaikan kewajiban developer apabila properti tidak dapat diselesaikan oleh developer.

English Abstract

This thesis will discuss about the application of article 6 of the bank Indonesia regulation number: 18/16/PBI/2016 of the ratio of Loan to Value against non-performing loan on House property store credit by the State Bank Tabungan Negara head office in Jakarta. The application of related, State Bank Tabungan Negara Head Office Jakarta provides LTV ratio in accordance with existing regulations. In its application, there are several barriers i.e., related to the developer could not give the certainty or the provisions of the sale price of the property, the customer or debtor can not credit undertakes, as well as the bank less scrupulous in implementing credit. Efforts in tackling the barriers experienced by the bank is the bank credit agreement with a developer to do that which the bank has a guarantee to be provided by a developer that can be used to settle the liability developers in the property could not be completed by the developer.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/FH/2018/224/051805173
Uncontrolled Keywords: Bank, Loan to Value, KPR, Kredit Bermasalah, Peraturan Bank Indonesia-Bank, Loan to Value, KPR, Non Performing Loan (NPL), Regulation of Bank Indonesia
Subjects: 300 Social sciences > 346 Private law > 346.07 Commercial law > 346.073 Loan
Divisions: Fakultas Hukum > Ilmu Hukum
Depositing User: soegeng sugeng
Date Deposited: 11 Apr 2019 07:32
Last Modified: 23 Oct 2021 04:45
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