Evaluasi Usability Mobile Game Pokemon Go Menggunakan Metode Heuristic

Angesti, Farandi (2018) Evaluasi Usability Mobile Game Pokemon Go Menggunakan Metode Heuristic. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Pokemon Go sebagai salah satu permainan markless Augmented Reality sempat menyita perhatian jutaan masyarakat dunia. Sayangnya permainan ini ditinggalkan 12 juta penggunanya sebab pengguna merasa kurang puas ketika kehilangan data mereka saat aplikasi diperbarui. Melihat hal ini, penelitian menggunakan evaluasi heuristic dibutuhkan untuk menjawab permasalahan spesifik yang terdapat dalam permainan Pokemon Go. Sehingga dengan diketahuinya permasalahan dalam permainan secara spesifik, perusahaan permainan dapat mengetahui apa saja yang harus diperbaiki dalam permainan tersebut. Evaluasi heuristic yang digunakan adalah metode usability heuristic yang meliputi 9 aspek. Berdasarkan penelitian penulis dengan menggunakan metode usability heuristic ditemukan bahwa terdapat 26 permasalahan dengan tingkat severity yang berbeda. Permasalahan terbanyak ditemukan pada aspek consistency and standards serta flexibility and efficiency of use. Berdasarkan tingat severity, consistency and standards menduduki tingkat medium. Berikutnya pada tingkat severity minor, ada 5 heuristic yakni visibility of system status ,offer real world objects , error prevention , flexibility and efficiency of use, serta aesthetic and minimalist design. Terakhir di tingkat severity cosmetics ada 3 heuristic yakni, recognition rather than recall, help user recognize, diagnose, and recover from errors (H9). Dari permasalahan yang ditemukan pada prinsip heuristik peneliti merangkum hal hal yang membuat pokemon go ditinggalkan oleh pengguna aktif yaitu tidak adanya penjelasan elemen yang berubah atau notification game yang lebih jelas, penggunakan ikon yang kurang informatif, pada sisi gameplay tidak terdapat menu konfirmasi untuk evolusi pokemon, banyak istilah yang masih sulit dimengerti oleh pemain, pada sisi gameplay lebih menarik pada versi yang tersedia di ninebox, tutorial yang tidak tersedia pada sesi awal game, petunjuk game yang kurang familiar. Berbekal hasil penelitian ini, maka perusahaan produsen Pokemon Go dianjurkan untuk memprioritaskan perbaikan berdasarkan tingkat severity. Permasalahan dengan tingkat severity medium sangat dianjurkan untuk diperbaiki, selanjutnya diikuti dengan perbaikan pada masalah yang tingkat severity nya minor dan cosmetic.

English Abstract

Pokemon Go as one of the game Augmented Reality had seized the attention of millions of people of the world. Unfortunately this game left behind 12 million users because users feel less satisfied when losing their data when the application is updated. Looking at this, research using heuristic evaluations is needed to address the specific problems that exist in Pokemon Go games. So with the knowledge of the problem in the game specifically, game companies can know what to fix in the game. The heuristic evaluation used is usability heuristic method ,there are 9 aspects in that method . Based on the authors research using usability heuristic method found that there are 26 problems with different severity levels. The most problems are found in the aspects of consistency and standards and flexibility and efficiency of use. Based on the level of severity, consistency and standards occupy the medium level. Next on the level of minor severity, there are 5 heuristic namely visibility of system status, offer real world objects, error prevention, flexibility and efficiency of use, and aesthetic and minimalist design. Lastly in severity cosmetics level there are 3 heuristic that is, recognition rather than recall, help user recognize, diagnose, and recover from errors (H9). From the problems found in the principle of heuristics researchers summarize the things that make pokemon go abandoned by active users ie no explanation of changing elements or clearer notification game, the use of icons that are less informative, on the side of the gameplay there is no confirmation menu for the evolution of pokemon, many terms are still difficult to understand by the player, on the side of the gameplay more interesting on the version available in the ninebox, tutorials that are not available in the early session of the game, less familiar game instructions From this the results of this study, the manufacturer of Pokemon Go is recommended to prioritize improvements based on the level of severity. Problems with medium severity are strongly recommended to be improved, followed by improvements in problems with minor severity and cosmetic levels.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/FTIK/2018/500/051808309
Uncontrolled Keywords: Pokemon Go, Evaluation of Usability, heuristic.
Subjects: 700 The Arts > 795 Games of chance > 795.1 Games with dice
Divisions: Fakultas Ilmu Komputer > Teknik Informatika
Depositing User: Budi Wahyono Wahyono
Date Deposited: 25 Mar 2019 07:31
Last Modified: 21 Oct 2021 02:09
URI: http://repository.ub.ac.id/id/eprint/162077
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