Eksplorasi Mikoriza Arbuskula (MA) Pada Tanaman Semusim Di Kecamatan Dau Kabupaten Malang Provinsi Jawa Timur

Wulandari, Ananda Egi (2018) Eksplorasi Mikoriza Arbuskula (MA) Pada Tanaman Semusim Di Kecamatan Dau Kabupaten Malang Provinsi Jawa Timur. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Tahun 2016 di Kecamatan Dau lahan tegalan lebih mendominasi dari pada lahan sawah dengan luas lahan tegalan 1.580,93 ha dan lahan sawah 392,00 ha. Tanaman semusim terbanyak yang ditanam di Kecamatan Dau adalah jagung dengan luas panen 838 ha dan produksi tanaman sayuran terbanyak adalah tomat sebesar 12.995 ton/ha dan cabai sebesar 8.450 ton/ha. Di Kecamatan Dau, Jagung Srikandi Kuning, Jagung Manis Phinta, Tomat Servo, Cabai Besar Baja dan Cabai Rawit Cakra Putih adalah jenis tanaman yang diminati petani. Ada 10 Desa di Kecamatan Dau dan termasuk ke dalam tanah Latosol yang mempunyai karakteristik pH masam dan hara rendah. Salah satu upaya untuk mengefisienkan penyerapan unsur hara pada tanaman adalah adanya simbiosis Mikoriza Arbuskula (MA) yang membantu tanaman menyerap unsur hara yang tidak terjangkau oleh akar. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, dilakukan eksplorasi MA pada tanaman Jagung Srikandi Kuning (JSK), Jagung Manis Pintha (JMP), Tomat Servo (TS), Cabai Besar Baja (CBB), dan Cabai Rawit Cakra Putih (CRCP) yang ditanam di lahan tegalan di Kecamatan Dau. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui jenis MA yang ditemukan, perbedaan jumlah spora MA dan koloni MA di akar pada kelima jenis tanaman semusim, dan memahami hubungan antara jumlah spora MA dan koloni MA di akar dengan pH tanah, P tersedia dan C-organik. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Desember 2017- Maret 2018. Sampel tanah dan akar yang telah diambil dianalisis di Laboratorium Biologi Tanah, dan Laboratorium Kimia Tanah. Pelaksanaan analisis laboratorium meliputi isolasi spora MA dan identifikasi spora MA bedasarkan morfologi, penyimpanan akar dan pewarnaan akar, analisis koloni MA di akar, analisis pH tanah (elektrometri), analisis P tersedia (Bray-1) dan analisis C-organik (Waley-Black). Metode pengambilan sampel tanah dan akar berdasarkan pengelompokan jenis tanaman semusim menggunakan metode random sampling yang datanya dianalisis secara deskriptif dan analisis ragam (Uji F 5%) yang jika terdapat pengaruh nyata pada jenis tanaman semusim maka diuji dengan Duncan's Multiple Range Test (DMRT). Hasil penelitian menunjukan terdapat jenis spora yang sama yaitu Glomus sp dan Acaulospora sp dan terdapat perbedaan jumlah spora MA dan Koloni MA pada kelima jenis tanaman semusim di Kecamatan Dau. Jumlah spora MA per 100 g tanah berturut-turut adalah Jagung Manis Phinta (12,50 spora), Jagung Srikandi Kuning (11,00 spora), Tomat servo (8,75 spora), Cabai Besar Baja (7,25 spora) dan Cabai Rawit Cakra Putih (6,75 spora). Sedangkan rata-rata koloni MA berturutturut adalah Jagung Manis Phinta (21,75%), Jagung Srikandi Kuning (15,75%), Cabai Besar Baja (12,50%), Cabai Rawit Cakra Putih (11,75%) dan Tomat Servo (11,50%). Pada kelima jenis tanaman semusim, jumlah spora MA memiliki hubungan kuat dengan koloni MA di akar sedangkan jumlah spora dengan P tersedia dan pH tanah memiliki hubungan yang lemah dan C-organik memiliki hubungan yang lemah sekali. Koloni MA di akar memiliki hubungan yang cukup dengan C-organik dan P tersedia sedangkan koloni MA di akar dan pH tanah memiliki hubungan yang lemah.

English Abstract

In 2016, in Dau Sub-District, arable land dominated more than rice field with arable land area of 1,580.93 ha and rice field of 392.00 ha. The most annual crop planted in the Dau Sub-District are corn with a harvested area of 838 ha and the most production of vegetable crops is tomato at 12,995 tons / ha and chili for 8,450 tons / ha. In Dau Sub-District, Srikandi Yellow Corn, Phinta Sweet Corn, Servo Tomato, Baja Big Chili and White Cakra Little Chili are the types of crops that are in demand by farmers. There are 10 villages in the Dau Sub-District and are included in the Latosol soil which has characteristics of acidic pH and low nutrients. One effort to increase availability nutrient absorption in plants is the symbiosis of Arbuscular Mycorrhiza (AM) that help plants absorb nutrients that are not reached by the roots. Based on this, AM exploration was carried out on Srikandi Yellow Corn (JSK), Pintha Sweet Corn (JMP), Servo Tomato (TS), Baja Big Chili (CBB), and White Cakra Little Chili (CRCP) which were planted in arable land in Dau SubDistrict. The purpose of this research was to determine the type of AM found, differences in the number of AM spores and AM colonies in the roots of the five annual crops type, and to understand the relationship between the number of AM spores and AM colonies in the roots with soil pH, available P and C-organic. This research was conducted in December 2017 - March 2018. Soil and root samples that have been taken were analyzed in the Laboratory of Soil Biology, and Soil Chemistry Laboratory. Laboratory analysis consists of isolation and identification of AM spores based on morphology, storage and staining of root, analysis of AM colonies at the roots, of soil pH analysis (electrometry), P available analysis (Bray-1) and C-organic analysis (Waley-Black). The method of taking soil and root samples based on grouping of annual crop type using random sampling method, the data are analyzed descriptively and analysis of variance (F Test 5%) which if there is significant difference on annual crop type then tested by Duncan's Multiple Range Test (DMRT). The results showed that there were same types of spores namely Glomus sp and Acaulospora sp and there were differences in the number of AM spores and AM colonies in the five annual crops type in Dau Sub-District. The number of AM spores per 100 g of soil, respectively are Pintha Sweet Corn (12.50 spores), Srikandi Yellow Corn (11.00 spores), Servo Tomato (8.75 spores), Baja Big Chili (7.25 spores) and White Cakra Little Chili (6.75 spores). While the average AM colonies are Pintha Sweet Corn (21.75%), Srikandi Yellow Corn (15.75%), Baja Big Chili (12.50%), White Cakra Little Chili (11.75%) and Servo Tomato (11.50%). In the five annual crops type, the number of AM spores has strong correlation relationship with the AM colonies at the root but the number of spores with P is available and the pH of the soil has weak correlation relationship and C-organic has a very weak correlation relationship. AM colonies in roots have a sufficient relationship with Corganic and P is available but AM colonies in roots and soil pH have a weak relationship.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/FP/2018/849/051811379
Uncontrolled Keywords: Mikoriza Arbuskula, Tanaman, Unsur Hara, Tanaman Jagung, Tanaman Tomat, Tanaman Cabai
Subjects: 500 Natural sciences and mathematics > 579 Natural history of microorganisms, fungi, algae > 579.5 Fungi
Divisions: Fakultas Pertanian > Ilmu Tanah
Depositing User: Nur Cholis
Date Deposited: 18 Apr 2019 01:55
Last Modified: 19 Oct 2021 23:52
URI: http://repository.ub.ac.id/id/eprint/161857
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