Karakteristik bahan bakar dan pembakaran resin damar (Dipterocarpaceae).

Jamal (2015) Karakteristik bahan bakar dan pembakaran resin damar (Dipterocarpaceae). Doctor thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Resin damar merupakan hasil dari penyadapan pohon damar yang termasuk famili Dipterocarpaceae. Resin damar memiliki senyawa hidrokarbon dan mudah terbakar sehingga memiliki potensi sebagai bahan bakar alternatif terbarukan. Penelitian untuk memanfaatan tumbuh-tumbuhan sebagai bahan bakar alternatif terbarukan untuk menggantikan bahan bakar minyak bumi telah banyak dilakukan, adapun tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui karakteristik sifat kimia dan fisika serta karakteristik pembakaran resin damar. Penelitian dilaksanakan untuk mengetahui kelayakan resin damar cair sebagai bahan bakar alternatif yaitu dilarutkan dengan ethanol dengan komposisi D60E40 (60% resin damar dan 40% ethanol), D50E50, D40E60, D30E70, D20E80 dan D10E90, serta resin damar dalam wujud padat. Pengujian sifat kimia untuk mengetahui kandungan senyawa kimia dan jenis ikatan dalam molekul serta rumus kimia dari resin damar, sifat kimia lain yang ingin diketahui adalah yang berhubungan dengan dampak penggunaannya terhadap lingkungan yaitu iodine value dan saponification value. Pengujian sifat fisika berupa density, kinematic viscosity, flash point, cloud point, pour point, ash content, sulfur content dan energy content, juga dilakukan analisa termal dan analisis permukaan dari material resin damar. Pengujian karakteristik pembakaran dilakukan untuk mengetahui waktu dan laju pembakaran, juga mengamati perkembangan tinggi, lebar nyala api dan karakteristik model nyala api, juga dilakukan uji pembakaran gas resin damar hasil pemanasan, uji pembakaran langsung di pohon dan uji pembakaran massa besar (10 g). Berdasarkan hasil uji sifat kimia diperoleh bahwa resin damar memiliki kandungan senyawa hidrokarbon dan dikelompokkan dalam 5 bagian berdasarkan kesetaraan dengan bahan bakar minyak, resin damar juga memiliki ikatan karbon dalam senyawa hidrokarbon, rumus kimia resin damar adalah C28H44O6. Resin damar cair (D10E90, D20E80, D30E70, D40E60, D50E50 dan D60E40) memiliki sifat kimia yang ramah lingkungan berdasarkan iodine value yaitu 10,1 – 50,7 cg.I/g.oil dan saponification value yaitu 30,8 – 218 mg.KOH/g.oil. Berdasarkan hasil uji sifat fisika diperoleh bahwa resin damar cair memiliki density yaitu 0,7823 – 0,9490 g/mL, energy content yaitu 27,6 - 30,6 MJ/kg, cloud point yaitu lebih kecil dari -3 °C, pour point yaitu lebih kecil dari -3 °C, dan flash point yaitu 32 – 93 °C, sulfur content yaitu 0,0018 – 0,003 %, ash content yaitu 0,0082 – 0,0242 % dan viskositas kinematik yaitu 3,1 – 46,4 cSt. Resin damar padat memiliki density yaitu 1,0824 g/mL, energy content yaitu 33,1 MJ/kg, cloud point yaitu 53 °C, pour point yaitu 68 °C, dan flash point yaitu 153 °C, sulfur content yaitu 0,004 % dan ash content yaitu 0,037 %. Resin damar padat, mencair pada temperatur 70,88 °C dan menguap pada 303,02 °C. Berdasarkan hasil uji karakteristik pembakaran diperoleh hubungan waktu tunggu nyala (YI) terhadap massa (Xw) YI = -170,8.Xw 2 + 8,258.Xw + 1,631 dan hubungan waktu pembakaran (Yt) terhadap massa Yt = 87,64.Xw + 1,373 serta hubungan laju pembakaran massa (Yv) terhadap massa Yv = -0,497.Xw 2 + vii 0,099.Xw + 0,004 juga hubungan laju sebaran nyala (YL) terhadap diameter (XD) YL = -0,051.XD 2 + 0,306.XD + 2,368. Pada proses pembakaran juga terlihat bahwa tinggi dan lebar nyala resin damar fluktuatif karena terjadinya ledakan kecil yang diakibatkan adanya pembakaran senyawa hidrokarbon yang menguap pada temperatur yang berbeda-beda akibat proses pemanasan, juga terjadi semburan nyala api pada proses pembakaran hal ini diakibatkan adanya rongga udara dalam material resin damar sehingga uap yang terbentuk mengisi rongga tersebut dan tersembur keluar saat tekanannya membesar, pada akhir proses penyalaan terjadi ledakan besar akibat energi nyala yang semakin besar dan resin damar yang semakin kecil sehingga secara bersamaan seluruh resin damar berubah menjadi gas. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian sifat kimia dan sifat fisika serta uji pembakaran diperoleh bahwa resin damar telah memenuhi syarat sebagai biofuel dan memiliki potensi untuk dikembangkan sebagai bahan bakar alternatif terbarukan.

English Abstract

Dammar resin is the result of tapping the dammar tree that includes the family of dipterocarp. Dammar resin has a flammable hydrocarbon compounds that have potential as a renewable alternative fuel. The Research to the use of plants as a renewable alternative fuel to replace petroleum fuels have been carried out, as for the aim of this research is to determine the characteristics of the chemical and physical properties and the combustion characteristics of dammar resins. The research was conducted to determine the feasibility of liquid dammar resin as a renewable alternative fuel that is diluted by ethanol with composition of D60E40 (60% dammar resin and 40% ethanol), D50E50, D40E60, D30E70, D20E80 and D10E90, and dammar resin on the solid state. Tests of the chemical properties is to determine the content of chemical compounds and the type of bonding carbon in the chemical compounds as well as the chemical formula of dammar resin. The other of chemical properties that we want to investigate is related to the impact of their use on the environment, namely iodine value and saponification value. Testing of physical properties was conducted to determine the density, kinematic viscosity, flash point, cloud point, pour point, ash content, sulfur content and energy content, also carried out thermal analysis and surface analysis of the material of dammar resin. Tests of the combustion characteristics were conducted to determine the time and the rate of combustion, also to observe the development of the flame height and width as well as the characteristics of the model of the flame. Test of gas combustion as a result of heating the dammar resins, test of combustion directly at the tree and test combustion of the dammar resins on large mass (10 g) were also conducted. Based on the test of the chemical properties, it was obtained that dammar resins contain hydrocarbon compounds and grouped into five sections based on equality with fuel oil. Dammar resin also has a carbon bond in the hydrocarbon compounds. The chemical formula of dammar resin is C28H44O6. Liquid dammar resin (D10E90, D20E80, D30E70, D40E60, D50E50 and D60E40) have chemical properties that are environmentally friendly by iodine value of 10.1 – 50.7 cg.I/g.oil and saponification value of 30.8 – 218 mg.KOH/g.oil. Based on the test of the physical properties, it was obtained that liquid dammar resins has a density of 0.7823 – 0.9490 g/ml, its energy content is remain between 27.6 – 30.6 MJ/kg, cloud point is less than -3 °C, pour point is less than -3 °C, flash point is 32 – 93 °C, sulfur content is 0.0018 – 0.003 %, ash content is laid between 0.0082 – 0.0242 % and the kinematic viscosity is 3.1 – 46.4 cSt. The density value of Solid dammar resin is 1.0824 g/ml, energy content is 33.1 MJ/kg, cloud point is 53 °C, pour point is 68 °C, flash point is 153 °C, sulfur content is 0.004% and ash content is 0.037%. Solid dammar resin was melted at a temperature of 70.88 °C and evaporates at a temperature 303.02 °C. Based on the test results of combustion characteristics, it can be obtained that the relationship of ignition delay (YI) with mass (Xw) is YI = -170,8.Xw 2 + 8,258.Xw + 1,631 and the relationship of burning time (Yt) with mass is Yt = ix 87,64.Xw + 1,373 and the relationship of burning rate of mass (Yv) with mass is Yv = -0,497.Xw 2 + 0,099.Xw + 0,004, also obtained the relationship of spread rate of flame (YL) with diameter (XD) is YL = -0,051.XD 2 + 0,306.XD + 2,368. It can be seen also in the combustion process that the height and the width of dammar resin flame was fluctuate due to the small explosion that was caused by the presence of combustion of hydrocarbon compounds that vaporize at different temperatures, also occur bursts of flame in the combustion process due to some void in material of dammar resin therefore formed steam filled the void and erupted when the pressure increased, at the end of the combustion process, a large explosion was occurred due to the increase of greater flame energy and the getting smaller characteristic of dammar resins, therefore at the same time all the rest of dammar resin turn into gas and burned. Based on the test results of chemical properties, physical properties and combustion test result showed that the dammar resin has fulfilled the qualification as a biofuel and has the potential to be developed as a renewable alternative fuel.

Item Type: Thesis (Doctor)
Identification Number: DES/662.88/JAM/k/061502328
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 662 Explosives of explosives, fuels, related products > 662.8 Other fuels
Divisions: S2/S3 > Doktor Teknik Mesin, Fakultas Teknik
Depositing User: Samsul Arifin
Date Deposited: 13 Apr 2015 11:51
Last Modified: 13 Apr 2015 11:51
URI: http://repository.ub.ac.id/id/eprint/161334
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