Strategi Restorasi Destinasi Wisata Pesisir Rajegwesi Banyuwangi

Zayadi, Hasan (2013) Strategi Restorasi Destinasi Wisata Pesisir Rajegwesi Banyuwangi. Magister thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Taman Nasional Meru Betiri (TNMB) merupakan salah satu kawasan pelestarian alam yang memiliki potensi flora, fauna dan ekosistem serta gejala dan keunikan alam yang dapat dikembangkan sebagai obyek dan daya tarik wisata alam. TNMB juga merupakan kawasan hutan lindung dan mempunyai fungsi penting dalam menjaga ekosistem dan biodiversitas. Akan tetapi dengan adanya perubahan-perubahan lahan yang terjadi maka perlu dilakukan tindakan restorasi sehingga mampu menjadi kawasan destinasi wisata yang berkelanjutan. Informasi tentang pemanfaatan sumber daya lahan di kawasan Rajegwesi selama ini masih kurang. Hal ini disebabkan ketersediaan dan pemutakhiran data yang dimiliki kurang mendukung secara optimal. Oleh karena itu perlu dilakukan klasifikasi lahan, pemetaan distribusi dan jenis-jenis pohon induk serta analisis terhadap arthropoda tanah yang berperan sebagai spesies indikator dalam diversitas fauna di kawasan pesisir untuk menunjang pengambilan keputusan dalam upaya restorasi kawasan hutan sekitar Rajegwesi. tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah: menganalisis profil klasifikasi lahan di kawasan pantai Rajegwesi, menganalisis distribusi dan jenis-jenis pohon, struktur diversitas dan distribusi Arthropoda tanah di kawasan pantai Rajegwesi serta rekomendasi desain restorasi di kawasan hutan sekitar pantai Rajegwesi. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada Bulan Januari 2012 – April 2012 di kawasan pesisir Rajegwesi Banyuwangi (8 0 32`41.14”S 113 0 55`51”.96 0 T). Analisis dan Identifikasi arthropoda tanah dilakukan di Laboratorium Ekologi dan Diversitas Hewan Jurusan Biologi FMIPA Universitas Brawijaya Malang dan Laboratorium Ekologi Biologi FMIPA Universitas Islam Malang. Dalam penelitian ini dilakukan dalam empat tahap yaitu: 1) pemetaan klasifikasi lahan dengan software Quantum , 2) pemetaan distribusi dan jenis-jenis pohon induk dengan cara observasi langsung dan penandaan dengan GPS , 3) pengukuran struktur distribusi dan komposisi arthropoda tanah berdasarkan indeks diversitas Shannon-Wiener (H`), indeks kesamaan morisitadan INP (Indeks Nilai Penting), 4) pembuatan rekomendasi desain restorasi kawasan hutan sekitar pantai Rajegwesi berdasarkan overlay peta klasifikasi lahan dan peta distribusi jenis-jenis pohon induk dan dievaluasi dengan hasil analisis arthropoda tanah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa klasifikasi lahan di kawasan rajegwesi TNMB dibagi menjadi lima kategori yaitu: pemukiman, sawah/pekarangan, sabana, ladang dan hutan heterogen. Luas area untuk pemukiman adalah 17,28 ha, sawah/pekarangan 17,75 ha, sabana 10,22 ha, ladang 37,91 ha dan hutan heterogen 121,1 ha. Adanya penggunaan lahan untuk pemukiman, sawah/pekarangan dan ladang menandakan bahwa pada kawasan tersebut mempunyai nilai ekonomi strategis bagi masyarakat. Ladang merupakan lahan yang paling intensif dari kegiatan pertanian di wilayah tersebut. Jenis-jenis pohon induk yang ditemukan di kawasan pantai Rajegwesi sebanyak 64 spesies yang terbagi menjadi 31 famili. Famili yang mendominasi adalah Moraceae dengan 13 spesies, Sterculiaceae 6 spesies, Meliaceae dan Mimosaceae 4 spesies serta Anacardiaceae, Apocynaceae dan Lecythidaceae 3 spesies. Spesies yang mendominasi adalah Artocarpus elasticus Reinw. Ex Blume sebanyak 78 individu, Ficus variegata Blume sebanyak 25 individu, Pterocymbium javanicum R.Br sebanyak 24 individu, Spondias malayana Kosterm sebanyak 22 individu, Swietenia macrophylla King sebanyak 17 individu dan Sterculia macrophylla Vent sebanyak 11 individu. Distribusi di masing-masing kategori lahan menandakan bahwa famili Moraceae hampir terdistribusi secara merata di seluruh klasifikasi lahan sedangkan spesies yang terdistribusi secara merata di seluruh lahan adalah Artocarpus elasticus Reinw. Ex Blume, dan Ficus variegata Blume. Jumlah famili dan individu serangga tanah yang ditemukan di kawasan pantai Rajegwesi terdiri dari 10 ordo dengan 21 famili (702 individu). Jumlah individu dari golongan ordo Hymenoptera, Coleoptera, Collembola dan Araneida yang paling banyak ditemukan. Famili yang paling banyak ditemukan adalah Collembola dan Formicidae. Spesies yang mendominasi adalah Pheidologeton spp (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Nilai indeks keanekaragaman Shannon-Wiener di lahan hutan mempunyai

English Abstract

Meru Betiri National park (TNMB) is one of natural conservation area that has potential of flora, fauna and ecosystems as well as natural phenomenon that could be developed as a nature-based tourism attraction. TNMB is a protected forest area and has an important function in maintaining ecosystems and biodiversity. In some area of park, however, impact of human activities has changes forest covers significantly. Recently, some part of park (i.e. Rajegwesi area) has beed degraded and need a significant restoration program. In such a case, information about land area is needed, but unfortunately few data and information available. Providing basic data regarding land classification, existing vegetation and plants trees species as well as soil fauna could be important. purpose of this research were: analyzing classification of land in coastal area of Rajegwesi, analyzing distribution and types of trees, analysing structure and distribution of soil Arthropod diversity in coastal area of Rajegwesi and design recommendations for restoration in degraded area around Rajegwesi. This research was conducted in January-April 2012 at a coastal area of Rajegwesi Banyuwangi (8 0 32`41.14”S 113 0 55`51”.96 0 E). Analysis and identification of soil arthropods was done in laboratory of ecology and animal Diversity biology department at University of Brawijaya Malang and Ecological Biology Laboratory at Islamic University of Malang. This research was conducted in four stages as follow: 1) mapping of land classification using Quantum software, 2) mapping distribution and types of trees by means of direct observation and tagging with GPS, 3) measuring structure of distribution and composition of soil arthropod diversity index based on Shannon-Wiener (H`), similarity index morisita and INP (important Value Index), 4) making recommendations to restoration design forest area around coast of Rajegwesi based on land classification map overlay and map distribution of types of parent tree and evaluated with results of analysis of soil arthropods. results showed that recent lands in Rajegwesi can be classified into five categories, namely: resident (14 ha), paddy fields (17.75 ha), savanna (10.22 ha), orchards (37.91 ha) and forests (121.1 ha). use of land for community settlements, paddy fields and orchards indicate that in that region economically are important. Orchards represent one of intensive agricultural activities in se regions. types of tree which is found in coastal area of Rajegwesi was calculated about at least 64 species which is divided into 29 family. Moraceae is dominant family with 13 species, followed by Sterculiaceae (6 species), Meliaceae and Mimosaceae (4 species) and Anacardiaceae, Apocynaceae and Lecythidaceae (3 species). Among existing trees species, Artocarpus elasticus Reinw Ex Blume is dominat in term of individual number (78 individuals). It was followed by Ficus variegata Blume (25 species), Pterocymbium javanicum R.Br (24 species), Spondias malayana Kosterm (22 species), Swietenia macrophylla King (17 species), and Sterculia macrophylla Vent (11 species). Moraceae is one of only family found in every land use category. common species were Artocarpus elasticus Reinw. Ex Blume and Ficus macrophylla Blume. number of families and individuals of soil arthropods found in coastal area of Rajegwesi consisted of 10 order with 21 family (702 individual). number of individuals of order Hymenoptera, Coleoptera, Collembola and Araneida were most widely found. most commonly found were Collembola and Formicidae. While species that dominate is Pheidologeton spp (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Value of Shannons-Wiener diversity index in forest has a high diversity of index was 2.16. Whereas lowest was 1.89 in savanna. Based on type of diversity, savanna land has a type of high diversity of individuals after forest land. index in common soil arthropods on farm fields and forests have a high similarity index was 0.89. And n savannah and paddy fields have a similarity index was 0.71. Forest with paddy fields have lowest similarity index that is equal to 0.35 and n orchards with paddy fields was 0.43. In recommendation, it is clear that effort to minimize MPTS ( Multi Purpose Tree Species ) is crucials, and conversely tree species of non-MPTS which area native to national park should be conserve. In many case, number of native plants species should be increased significantly.

Item Type: Thesis (Magister)
Identification Number: TES/790.068/ZAY/s/041301926
Subjects: 700 The Arts > 790 Recreational and performing arts
Divisions: S2/S3 > Magister Biologi, Fakultas MIPA
Depositing User: Endro Setyobudi
Date Deposited: 23 Sep 2013 13:06
Last Modified: 22 Apr 2022 02:08
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