Two-Photon Property Studies Of Novel Chromophores With Various Heterocyclic Structural Units

Amini, RekfaWika (2017) Two-Photon Property Studies Of Novel Chromophores With Various Heterocyclic Structural Units. Magister thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Beberapa sistem kromofor baru dengan berbagai unit struktural heterosiklik termasuk tiofen, anthrasene, pyrazine, quinoxaline, dan triazine dirancang dan disinkronkan untuk menyelidiki hubungan antara struktur molekuler dan sifat optik linear / non-linear IR. Spektra penyerapan dua foton (2PA) dari senyawa yang dipelajari diukur dengan teknik fluoresensi dua-foton-foton (2pef). Secara keseluruhan, kami telah menemukan parameter molekul berikut yang terkait erat dengan peningkatan 2pa molekuler: 1. Kekuatan donor elektron. 2. panjang konjugasi π. 3. Coplanaritas struktur dalam sistem kromofor kami, kami telah mengamati bahwa diphenylamine adalah electrondonor superior dibandingkan dengan naphthylamine. Selain itu, dicatat bahwa memanjang panjang konjugasi π dengan memasukkan ikatan tiga karbon-karbon, atau unit vinil, atau antrasena, atau unit fenil adalah strategi yang berguna untuk mempromosikan molekuler 2pa. Selain itu, terungkap bahwa coplanaritas struktur memainkan peran penting untuk tingkat peningkatan 2pa.

English Abstract

Several novel chromophore systems with various heterocyclic structural units including thiophene, anthracene, pyrazine, quinoxaline, and triazine were designed and syn sized to investigate relationship between molecular structure and ir linear/non-linear optical properties. two-photon absorption (2PA) spectra of studied compounds were measured by two-photon-excited fluorescence (2PEF) technique. Overall, we have found following molecular parameters that are closely related to enhancement of molecular 2PA: 1. Electron-donor strength; 2. π-conjugation length; 3. Coplanarity of structure In our chromophore systems, we have observed that diphenylamine is a superior electrondonor compared to naphthylamine. Moreover, it is noted that extending π-conjugation length by insertion of carbon-carbon triple bond, or vinyl, or anthracene unit, or phenyl unit are useful strategies to promote molecular 2PA. In addition, it is revealed that coplanarity of structure plays a crucial role for extent of 2PA enhancement.

Item Type: Thesis (Magister)
Identification Number: TES/620.112 95/AMI/t/2017/041704557
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 620 Engineering and allied operations > 620.1 Engineering mechanics and materials
Divisions: S2/S3 > Magister Matematika, Fakultas MIPA
Depositing User: Nur Cholis
Date Deposited: 14 Jun 2017 08:47
Last Modified: 14 Jun 2017 08:47
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