Kesesuaian Penentuan Kategori Kegawatan antara Singapore Patient’s Acuity Categorisation Scale (PACS) dengan Intervention-Calling Score the worthing Physiological Scoring System (WPSS) di Triage Insta

Arliono, TriYunanto (2012) Kesesuaian Penentuan Kategori Kegawatan antara Singapore Patient’s Acuity Categorisation Scale (PACS) dengan Intervention-Calling Score the worthing Physiological Scoring System (WPSS) di Triage Insta. Magister thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Latar Belakang: Sistem triage di IGD merupakan proses yang dinamis untuk mengkategorikan secara cepat dan sistematis keparahan penyakit pasien, untuk mengefisiensikan sumber daya di IGD, agar tidak terjadi under-triage atau over-tiage. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan mengetahui hubungan antara kategori triage PACS dengan WPSS. Metodologi : Suatu studi observasional analitik telah dilakukan di IGD RSSA. Semua pasien dewasa non trauma yang sesuai dengan kriteria inklusi yang datang ke IGD RSSA pada awal bulan Desember 2011 dilakukan pengamatan. Kategori triage berdasar PACS (Patient`s Acuity Categorization Scale), dan tanda-tanda vital dicatat. Tanda vital dilakukan skoring menurut WPSS (Worthing Physiological Scoring System). Kemudian data dianalisa untuk mengetahui kesesuaian antara PACS dengan WPSS dan untuk mengetahui keakuratan PACS dan WPSS. Hasil : Pasien yang “urgent” menurut WPSS cenderung ditriage sebagai “prioritas satu” oleh PACS. Pasien yang “alert” menurut WPSS cenderung ditriage sebagai “prioritas dua” oleh PACS. yang “normal” menurut WPSS cenderung ditriage sebagai “prioritas tiga” oleh PACS. WPSS lebih akurat daripada PACS, bagaimanapun hasilnya akan lebih akurat lagi bila PACS digabung dengan WPSS. Kesimpulan: Studi ini memperlihatkan bahwa kategori triage PACS sesuai dengan skoring tanda vital pasien berdasar WPSS. Penggunaan PACS bersama-sama dengan WPSS meningkatkan akurasi dalam mengkategorikan kegawatan.

English Abstract

Background: ED triage is a dynamic process of rapidly and systematically categorizing patient`s severity of illness or injury and patient`s priority for treatment, to efficiently use ED resources, to avoid under- or over-triage. A study was conducted to measure association between PACS triage categories and WPSS patients` vital signs at triage. Method: A analytic observational study was conducted at an emergency department (ED) Saiful Anwar General Hospital Malang. All non-traumatic adult patients who entered ED on early December 2011 were eligible for inclusion in study. PACS triage category, and patient`s vital signs Patients` vital signs were registered. Vital signs were scored according to Worthing Physiological Scoring System (WPSS). data were analyzed to determine suitability between PACS with WPSS, and to determine accuracy of PACS and WPSS. Result: An association was found between WPSS and PACS triage categories. Patients in WPSS categories “urgent” were more likely triaged into PACS “priority one”. Patients in WPSS categories “alert” were more likely triaged into PACS “priority two”. Patients in WPSS categories “normal” were more likely triaged into PACS “priority three ” . WPSS more accurate than PACS, however results will be more accurate when PACS combined with WPSS. Conclusion: This study shows that PACS triage category according to scoring based on patient`s vital signs. use of PACS combined with WPSS increase accuracy in severity categorizing.

Item Type: Thesis (Magister)
Identification Number: TES/616.025/ARL/k/041200403
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 616 Diseases
Depositing User: Endro Setyobudi
Date Deposited: 22 May 2012 14:11
Last Modified: 22 May 2012 14:11
Full text not available from this repository.

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