The Study of Benthic Community Structure and Protein Expression Pattern of Four Benthic Species in Effluent Areas of Sewage Treatment Plants in Kaohsiung, Taiwan

Pratiwi, DwiCandra (2012) The Study of Benthic Community Structure and Protein Expression Pattern of Four Benthic Species in Effluent Areas of Sewage Treatment Plants in Kaohsiung, Taiwan. Magister thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Untuk mendapatkan pemahaman yang lebih baik tentang dampak pabrik pengolahan limbah (STP) efluen pada lingkungan laut, penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menyelidiki struktur komunitas bentik dan pola ekspresi protein dari 4 spesies bentik di daerah limbah STP di Kaohsiung, Taiwan. Enam situs dipilih, 3 di dekat Jhong Jhou STP, 2 di dekat Nsysu STP dan satu situs referensi. Sampel dikumpulkan pada bulan Desember 2009 (musim dingin) dan Juli 2010 (musim panas) oleh trawling bawah. Di musim dingin, suhu 26,8 o c. Salinitas dan pH adalah 32.2 ‰ dan 8.1. Di musim panas, data lingkungan masing-masing 33,7 o c, 31,5 ‰ dan 8,0. Secara keseluruhan, 5 Phyla, 31 keluarga dan 48 spesies berbeda ditangkap dalam dua musim. Pendekatan proteom oleh natrium satu dimensi dodecyl sulfat gel elektroforesis gel poliakrilamida (1D-SDS) dilakukan pada 3 ikan, Leiognathus Splendens, Apogon Fasciatus, Engegrosopon Multisquama, dan satu hastatoides kepiting portunus. Karakteristik lingkungan dan struktur komunitas bentik tidak memiliki perbedaan yang signifikan di antara 6 situs pengambilan sampel. Pola ekspresi protein berdasarkan pada empat spesies yang diperiksa juga menunjukkan tidak ada perbedaan yang signifikan di antara situs. Kompleksitas polutan di Kaohsiung Harbor mungkin adalah alasan utama yang memengaruhi semua situs pengambilan sampel. Dengan kata lain, area yang terkontaminasi di Kaohsiung Harbor dapat mencakup berbagai macam, setidaknya atas jarak pengambilan sampel saat ini, I.E. 8km yang menyebabkan tidak ada perbedaan dalam struktur komunitas dan pola ekspresi protein di antara kontrol, situs STP Jhong Jhou STP dan NSYSU.

English Abstract

In order to gain better understanding on the impacts of sewage treatment plant (STP) effluent on marine environment, the present study was undertaken to investigate the structure of benthic community and protein expression patterns of 4 benthic species in STP effluent areas in Kaohsiung, Taiwan. Six sites were selected, 3 near Jhong Jhou STP, 2 near NSYSU STP and one reference site. Samples were collected in December 2009 (winter) and July 2010 (summer) by bottom trawling. In winter, temperature was 26.8 o C; salinity and pH were 32.2‰ and 8.1. In summer, environmental data were 33.7 o C, 31.5‰ and 8.0, respectively. In all, 5 phyla, 31 families and 48 different species were captured in two seasons. Proteomic approach by one-dimensional sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (1D SDS-PAGE) was conducted on 3 fishes, Leiognathus splendens, Apogon fasciatus, Engyprosopon multisquama , and one crab Portunus hastatoides . Environment characteristics and structure of benthic community had no significant difference among the 6 sampling sites. Protein expression patterns based on the four examined species also indicated no significant difference among sites. The complexity of pollutants in Kaohsiung Harbor is probably the main reason affecting all sampling sites. In other words, contaminated area in Kaohsiung Harbor may cover a wide range, at least over the present sampling distance, i.e. 8km which causes no difference in community structure and protein expression pattern among control, Jhong Jhou STP and NSYSU STP sites.

Item Type: Thesis (Magister)
Identification Number: TES/577.64/PRA/s/041202477
Subjects: 500 Natural sciences and mathematics > 577 Ecology > 577.6 Aquatic ecology
Divisions: S2/S3 > Magister Bioteknologi Perikanan dan Kelautan, Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan
Depositing User: Endro Setyobudi
Date Deposited: 13 Nov 2012 15:43
Last Modified: 13 Nov 2012 15:43
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