Sukarsa, Enco (2011) Peranan Sedimen Sungai Brantas Hulu sebagai Inlet Waduk Karangkates dalam Daur Geokimia Logam Berat Pb, Cu dan Zn. Magister thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.
Telah dilakukan suatu telaah karakterisasi sedimen, fraksi, fluks dan profil konsentrasi logam berat pada tiga lokasi di sungai Brantas Hulu. Dua puluh satu sampel sedimen dikumpulkan disepanjang sungai untuk analisa karakteristik sedimen, fraksi, fluks, profil konsentrasi logam berat. Sedimen sungai Brantas Hulu terkarakterisasi sebagai sedimen jenis lempung berpasir dengan gugus penukar kation utamanya adalah Fe 2+ . Pada kedalaman sedimen 0 – 5 cm ditemukan bahwa Pb lebih banyak sebagai fraksi OO, organic oxidation (0,2903 mg/L), sementara Cu dan Zn lebih banyak ditemukan dalam fraksi AR, acid reduction (1,1815 mg/L dan 0,2316 mg/L). Untuk fraksi yang mudah lepas dan mudah dipertukarkan ( easily leachable and freely exchangeable , ELFE) konsentrasi logam tertinggi adalah logam Cu diikuti oleh logam Zn dan logam Pb dengan konsentrasi berturut-turut 0,2619 mg/L, 0,2316 mg/L dan 0,0585 mg/L. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa sedimen Sungai Brantas Hulu lebih mengikat logam Pb. Disamping itu, dari semua lokasi ditemukan bahwa logam berat di fraksi non resisten ( fraksi ELFE, fraksi AR dan fraksi OO ) dari aktivitas antropogenik dan limbah industri lebih tinggi daripada fraksi resisten ( resistant fraction , RF) sehingga dapatlah disimpulkan bahwa sedimen sungai Brantas Hulu berperan sebagai penampung logam berat, utamanya bagi logam Pb. Fluks logam Pb, Cu, dan Zn dari sedimen ke air permukaan mempunyai kecenderungan menurun selama 14 hari pengamatan dengan urutan fluks adalah Cu Zn Pb. Fluks logam ini dipengaruhi oleh faktor fisik dan kimiawi sedimen. Profil konsentrasi logam Pb, Cu, dan Zn di kedalaman sedimen menunjukkan penurunan dengan bertambahnya kedalaman sedimen. Hal ini disebabkan karena semakin bertambah kedalaman sedimen logam lebih terikat dalam kisi kristal dan silika mineral sedimen.
English Abstract
An analysis of characterized sediment had been performed to assess, fractions, fluxes and concentration profile of copper, zinc and lead in three locations downstream of Brantas Hulu River. Twenty one sediment samples were collected along the river for the analysis of characterize, fractions, fluxes and concentration profile of those three heavy metals. Sediment of downstream Brantas Hulu River was characterized as claylike sediment possessing some cation exchanger groups of which iron (II) was the dominant species. In 0 – 5 cm deep, lead was found mostly in organic oxidation (OO) fraction (0.2903 mg/L) while copper and zinc were primarily found in acid reduction fraction (AR) (1.1815 mg/L and 0.2316 mg/L, respectively). In easily leachable and freely exchangeable fraction (ELFE), the highest concentration belonged to copper (0,2619 mg/L), followed by zinc (0,2316 mg/L) and lead (0.0585 mg/L) at the least. This showed that lead was bound stronger in sediment of Sungai Brantas Hulu than other metals were. Besides, from all locations, it was found that heavy metals in non-resistant fractions (ELFE, AR and OO fractions) which originated from anthropogenic activities and industrial wastes were higher than in resistant fraction (RF fraction). Therefore, it is conclusive that sediment of Sungai Brantas Hulu takes part as heavy metals reservoir, especially to lead. Fluxes of the three metals decreased with time during 14 days observation period with the order of magnitude from the highest to the lowest was copper, zinc and lead. The fluxes of these heavy metals were influenced by chemycal and phisycal factors of the sediment. A decrease in concentration profile of lead, copper and zinc in sediment with the increasing depth was also observed. This is due to the deeper the sediment the heavy metals is bond in chrystal latice and mineralized sediment silica.
Item Type: | Thesis (Magister) |
Identification Number: | TES/551.353/SUK/p/041101638 |
Subjects: | 500 Natural sciences and mathematics > 551 Geology, hydrology, meteorology > 551.3 Surface and exogenous processes and their agents |
Divisions: | S2/S3 > Magister Matematika, Fakultas MIPA |
Depositing User: | Endro Setyobudi |
Date Deposited: | 06 May 2011 09:32 |
Last Modified: | 06 May 2011 09:32 |
URI: | |
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