Implementation of the Subsidized Rice Program for the Poor (RASKIN) in South Konawe District, Indonesia

Risdiyanto, Sudirman Ahmad (2011) Implementation of the Subsidized Rice Program for the Poor (RASKIN) in South Konawe District, Indonesia. Magister thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Makalah ini mempelajari implementasi program beras bersubsidi untuk orang miskin (Raskin) di Distrik Konawe Selatan, Indonesia. Penelitian ini memiliki tiga tujuan: selidiki alur kerja implementasi program Raskin. Identifikasi masalah yang dihadapi oleh administrator program Raskin dan desa penerima di Konawe Selatan. dan selidiki peran administrasi dalam mendukung program Raskin dan menyelesaikan masalah tersebut. Makalah ini menggunakan metode kualitatif. Pengumpulan data dan wawancara dilakukan antara 29 Agustus dan 15 September 2010. Wawancara dilakukan dengan 17 kepala desa, Kepala Divisi Ekonomi Administrasi Lokal Konawe Selatan, Kepala Bulog Sulawesi Tenggara, dan Sekretaris Program Raskin Bulog Sulawesi Tenggara. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa beberapa proporsi beras Raskin diterima oleh rumah tangga non-miskin (HHS). I N 17 Villages disurvei, 3.134 (92,07%) dari HHS menerima manfaat program, tetapi pemerintah telah menetapkan bahwa hanya 1.475 HHS yang ditargetkan (I.E., 43,33% dari semua HHS) adalah untuk menerima manfaat tersebut. Masalah ini terjadi karena dua alasan. Salah satunya adalah ketidaktepatan data HH yang dipegang oleh Biro Pusat Statistik Indonesia (CB S), di mana jumlah HHS desa miskin lebih besar dari jumlah CBS yang ditargetkan HHS (THH). Alasan lain adalah bahwa penduduk desa lebih suka mendistribusikan beras Raskin ke semua HHS, karena budaya mereka berlangganan prinsip tradisional egaliter. Kepala desa dengan demikian membagikan beras Raskin ke hampir semua penduduk desa, melalui pertemuan desa (Mudes). Langkah ini memengaruhi harga, jumlah, dan frekuensi pengiriman beras Raskin yang diterima oleh penerima manfaat. Harga Raskin tingkat desa bervariasi dan melebihi harga yang ditentukan oleh pemerintah. Jumlah beras dan frekuensi distribusi masing-masing beragam oleh desa. Banyak penduduk desa menerima beras dalam jumlah yang lebih kecil dari jumlah tetap, dan bervariasi di antara penduduk desa. Penerima manfaat desa menerima beras setiap dua atau tiga bulan sekali. Komitmen pemerintah daerah dalam mendukung program Raskin dan dengan demikian memitigasi masalah kemiskinan sangat rendah. Administrasi lokal tidak dapat menyebarluaskan informasi yang dapat dipercaya mengenai program ini, menciptakan masalah yang sangat serius vis-à-vis identifikasi dan penargetan yang akurat. Selain itu, sulit bagi penduduk desa untuk mengetahui program harga beras tetap oleh pemerintah pusat, dan seberapa sering atau berapa kali per tahun mereka dapat menerima beras Raskin. T Dia saluran klaim atau permintaan tidak diketahui di antara penduduk desa, E VEN setelah sistem umpan balik pengaduan telah ditetapkan.

English Abstract

This paper studies the implementation of the subsidized rice program for the poor (RASKIN) in South Konawe District, Indonesia. This study has three objectives: investigate the workflow of RASKIN program implementation; identify problems encountered by administrators of the RASKIN program and recipient villages in South Konawe; and investigate the role of administration in supporting the RASKIN program and resolving those problems. This paper uses qualitative method . Data collection and interviews were conducted between August 29 and September 15, 2010. Interviews were conducted with 17 village heads, the Head of the Economic Division of the South Konawe Local Administration, the Head of the Southeast Sulawesi Bulog , and the RASKIN program Secretary of the Southeast Sulawesi Bulog . The research results show that some proportions of RASKIN rice were received by non-poor households (HHs). I n 17 villages surveyed, 3,134 (92.07%) of the HHs received program benefits, but the government had stipulated that only 1,475 targeted HHs (i.e., 43.33% of all HHs) were to receive such benefits. This problem occurred for two reasons. One was the inaccuracy of HH data held by Indonesia`s Central Bureau of Statistics ( CB S), in which the number of poor village HHs was larger than the CBS`s number of targeted HHs (THH s) . Another reason was that villagers preferred to distribute RASKIN rice to all HHs, because their culture subscribes to a traditional egalitarian principle. Village heads thus distributed RASKIN rice to almost all the villagers, through a village meeting ( Mudes ); this move influenced the price, quantity, and frequency of RASKIN rice deliveries received by beneficiaries. The village-level RASKIN prices varied and exceeded the price fixed by the government. The quantity of rice and the frequency of distribution each varied by village. Many villagers received rice in a quantity smaller than that of the fixed quantity, and it varied among villagers. Village beneficiaries received rice once every two or three months. The commitment of local government in supporting the RASKIN program and thus mitigate poverty issues was very low. Local administration could not disseminate reliable information concerning the program, creating very serious problems vis-à-vis accurate identification and targeting of the poor. Additionally, it was difficult for villagers to know the program rice price fixed by the central government, and how often or how many times per year they could receive RASKIN rice . T he channel of claims or requests was not known among villagers, e ven after a complaint feedback system had been established.

Item Type: Thesis (Magister)
Identification Number: TES/353.533 2/RIS/i/041105097
Subjects: 300 Social sciences > 353 Specific fields of public administration > 353.5 Public administration of social warfare
Divisions: Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi > Ilmu Perpustakaan
Depositing User: Endro Setyobudi
Date Deposited: 14 Dec 2011 12:24
Last Modified: 30 Mar 2022 08:45
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