Normasari, Arrum (2010) Kewajiban Notaris Merahasiakan Isi Akta dan Keterangan yang Diperoleh Dalam Pelaksanaan Jabatannya menurut Undang-undang Nomor 30 Tahun 2004 tentang Jabatan Notaris : Studi di Daerah Pengawasan Majeli. Magister thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.
Dalam penulisan tesis ini peneliti meneliti mengenai masalah Kewajiban Notaris Merahasiakan Isi Akta dan Keterangan yang Diperoleh Dalam Pelaksanaan Jabatannya menurut Undang-undang Nomor 30 Tahun 2004 tentang Jabatan Notaris (Studi di Daerah Pengawasan Majelis Pengawasan Notaris Daerah Kediri). Hal ini dilatar belakangi karena dibuatnya akta otentik oleh atau dihadapan Notaris yang bertujuan agar akta tersebut dapat digunakan sebagai bukti yang kuat jika suatu saat terjadi perselisihan antara para pihak atau ada gugatan dari pihak lain. Jika hal ini terjadi, tidak menutup kemungkinan Notaris akan dipanggil sebagai saksi, baik di tahap penyelidikan, penyidikan maupun persidangan. Pada proses hukum ini Notaris harus memberikan keterangan dan kesaksian menyangkut isi akta yang dibuatnya dan segala keterangan yang diperolehnya dalam pelaksanaan jabatannya tersebut. Pada sisi lain, hal ini akan bertentangan dengan sumpah jabatan Notaris yang diucapkannya pada saat diangkat sebagai Notaris, dimana Notaris berkewajiban untuk merahasiakan isi akta yang dibuatnya dan keterangan yang diperolehnya, seperti ketentuan yang diatur dalam Pasal 4 ayat (2) Undang-undang Jabatan Notaris, Pasal 16 ayat (1) huruf (e) Undang-undang Jabatan Notaris dan Pasal 54 Undang-undang Jabatan Notaris. Berdasarkan ketentuan pasal-pasal di atas dapat diketahui bahwa Notaris berkewajiban untuk merahasiakan isi aktanya, bahkan Notaris wajib merahasiakan semua keterangan mulai dari persiapan pembuatan akta hingga selesainya pembuatan suatu akta. Apabila Notaris dijadikan saksi dalam perkara, maka Notaris dapat menggunakan haknya untuk mengundurkan diri sebagai saksi. Hak ingkar, atau juga disebut hak tolak, atau hak untuk minta dibebaskan menjadi saksi, ada pada beberapa jabatan, yang oleh undang-undang diberikan. Hak ingkar Notaris adalah merupakan konsekuensi dari adanya kewajiban merahasiakan sesuatu yang diketahuinya. Dari latar belakang tersebut maka peneliti merumuskan masalah yaitu: 1. Sejauh mana Notaris berkewajiban merahasiakan isi akta dan keterangan yang diperoleh dalam pelaksanaan jabatannya menurut Undang-Undang Nomor 30 Tahun 2004 tentang Jabatan Notaris; 2. Bagaimana pelaksanaan kewajiban Notaris merahasiakan isi akta dan keterangan yang diperoleh dalam pelaksanaan jabatannya menurut Undang-Undang Nomor 30 Tahun 2004 tentang Jabatan Notaris dalam proses peradilan di daerah pengawasan Majelis Pengawas Notaris Daerah Kediri? Untuk meneliti permasalahan tersebut, penulis menggunakan teori kewajiban untuk menganalisis permasalahan pertama, teori pembuktian akta otentik untuk menganalisis permasalahan pertama dan kedua, serta teori efektifitas hukum untuk menganalisis permasalahan pertama dan kedua.
English Abstract
In writing this thesis, the writer examined the issue of Notary’s Duty of Confidentiality in terms of Notarial Document and Acquired Information during Service Term According to Regulation Number 30 Year 2004 Concerning Notary Public (A Study Conducted in the Surveillance Area under the Supervising Committee of Notary in Kediri Area). The argument behind this issue is that notary produces authentic documents in order to qualify as strong evidence if any dispute or suit ever existed among parties involved. When this happens, it is likely that notary would be required to testify either in the inquiry process or before the court. During this legal process, notary is required to give explanation and testimony concerning the content of document as well as the acquired information during the service term. Yet, this contradicts the notary’s oath of office which states that notary has the duty to keep the confidentiality of documents and acquired information under his/her power. Such are stipulated in Article 4 Verse (2), Article 16 Verse (1) Point (e), and Article 54 of Regulation of Notary Public. Based on the above articles, notary must keep secret of the content and even the making process of the document from the start until the finish. If notary is required to be a witness before the court, he/she has the right to refuse to be a witness. This right of refusal is stipulated in the regulation for several types of professions. This right exists due to notary’s duty to keep confidentiality of his/her knowledge. From this argument, the writer proposes problem statements: 1. To what extent must the notary keep the confidentiality of documents and acquired information during the service term based on Regulation Number 30 Year 2004 Concerning Notary Public?; 2. How is the implementation of notary’s duty to keep the confidentiality of documents and acquired information during the service term based on Regulation Number 30 Year 2004 Concerning Notary Public in the case of legal process in the surveillance area under the Supervising Committee of Notary in Kediri? To analyze the issue, the writer uses theory of obligation for the first problem and theory of document authentication and theory of law effectiveness for both problems. In the effort of examining the problems, the writer uses empirical law research. Meanwhile the method of approach is empirical juridical, to study and to analyze problems decided juridical by observing the empirical facts objectively. Then, the whole data are analyzed using descriptive qualitative method. According to the result, the writer finds out the answers to the problems. That the notary’s duty to keep the confidentiality of documents and acquired information during the service term based on the Regulation concerning Notary Public is obligatory to undertake if there is not any regulation that resolutely v 6 permit notary to reveal his/her knowledge. In fact, concerning the implementation of the duty to keep the confidentiality of documents and acquired information during the service term based on the Regulation concerning Notary Public in the legal process in the surveillance area under the Supervising Committee of Notary in Kediri, there is still notary who did not perform the duty to keep the confidentiality of documents and acquired information during service term. When appointed as a witness, this notary did not use the right of refusal. In response to the aforementioned facts, the writer suggests that in doing the job, notary should use the right of refusal as witness provided for notary’s profession; notary needs to establish routine meeting and approach between notary and client involved in the legal process, notary is to respect and abide by the oath of office and the right of refusal, and vice versa. Notary must do the job consequently; it is more appropriate for notary to be expert witness because it will not violate the notary’s oath of office as notary will only explain about his/her comprehensive skill and deep knowledge in the branch of law and notarial affairs.
Other obstract
Item Type: | Thesis (Magister) |
Identification Number: | TES/347.016/NOR/k/041003701 |
Subjects: | 300 Social sciences > 347 Procedure and courts |
Divisions: | S2/S3 > Magister Kenotariatan, Fakultas Hukum |
Depositing User: | Unnamed user with email |
Date Deposited: | 27 Dec 2010 10:39 |
Last Modified: | 29 Mar 2022 06:37 |
URI: | |
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