Pengukuran Impedansi Listrik Campuran Lemak Babi Pada Lemak Sapi Menggunakan Metode Plat Sejajar

Islahiyya, Nurussyarifatul (2016) Pengukuran Impedansi Listrik Campuran Lemak Babi Pada Lemak Sapi Menggunakan Metode Plat Sejajar. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan campuran lemak babi pada lemak sapi. Pengukuran nilai impedansi listrik pada sampel campuran lemak menggunakan plat sejajar dan alat picoscope tipe 5244B. plat sejajar terbuat dari bahan tembaga dengan luas 20x10 mm dan jarak antar palt sebesar 5mm. pengukuran dilakukan dengan cara menginjeksikan arus AC sebesar 1μA pada plat sejajar dalam rentang frekuensi 100Hz – 10kHz. Hasil pengukuran didapatkan nilai tegangan dalam bentuk gelombang sinusoidal. Nilai impedansi listrik didapatkan dari hasil perhitungan nilai tegangan dibagi dengan injeksi arus. Lemak babi ditambahkan pada lemak sapi dengan konsentrasi campuran terbesar adalah 25% dan konsentrasi campuran terendah sebesar 0,5%. Nilai impedansi lemak sapi didapatkan sebesar (6,479 – 0,192 MΩ) dan nilai impedansi lemak babi sebesar (6,247 – 0,168 MΩ). Nilai impedansi lemak sapi turun akibat adanya campuran lemak babi.

English Abstract

This research was intended to determine the mixed of lard on tallow. Measurement of the electrical impedance value on samples of lard and tallow mixed was using picoscope Type 5244B and parallel plate. Parallel plate was made of copper with an area of 20x10 mm and the distance between both palts were 5mm. The measurement exercised by injecting an AC in the amount of 1μA in a range frequency of 100 Hz – 10 kHz to the plate. The measurement results were obtained from the voltage values of sinusoidal waveform. Electrical impedance values were obtained from the calculation of the voltage value which was divided by the current injection. The largest mixture concentration of tallow, which was added to lard, was 25% and the lowest concentration was 0.5%. The result of tallow impedance value was (6,479 to 0,192 MΩ) and the impedance value of lard was (6,247 to 0,168 MΩ). The Value of tallow impedance was felt due to the lard mixture.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/MIPA/2016/370/051610307
Subjects: 500 Natural sciences and mathematics > 530 Physics
Divisions: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam > Fisika
Depositing User: Kustati
Date Deposited: 01 Nov 2016 10:52
Last Modified: 21 Mar 2022 08:18
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