Isolasi dan Uji Kemampuan Proteolitik Isolat Bakteri Indigenous dari Limbah Cair Tahu.

Utami, Reny Nurul (2015) Isolasi dan Uji Kemampuan Proteolitik Isolat Bakteri Indigenous dari Limbah Cair Tahu. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Limbah cair tahu mengandung senyawa organik protein. Degradasi protein dilakukan oleh bakteri proteolitik pada tahap hidrolisis. Proses isolasi dan seleksi bakteri perlu dilakukan sehingga diperoleh isolat bakteri proteolitik yang memiliki kemampuan hidrolisis paling baik. Tujuan penelitian yakni: 1). Mengetahui pengaruh waktu inkubasi dan persentase inokulum terhadap kemampuan hidrolisis protein limbah cair tahu. 2). Mengetahui karakteristik morfologi berdasarkan warna, bentuk, elevasi, tepi koloni, bentuk sel dan pewarnaan gram dari isolat bakteri proteolitik indigenous limbah cair tahu terpilih. Penelitian dilakukan menggunakan Rancangan Acak kelompok (RAK) yang disusun secara faktorial dengan menggunakan dua faktor yaitu persentase inokulum (I) juga terdiri dari tiga taraf yakni: I1= 5%; I2= 10%; dan I3= 15%, dan waktu inkubasi (W) yang terdiri dari tiga level yakni: W1= 24 jam; W2= 48 jam; dan W3= 72 jam. Setiap perlakuan diulang sebanyak tiga kali. Analisis data menggunakan uji ANOVA dan dilanjutkan dengan uji BNT (Least Significant Difference) 5%. Parameter yang diukur terdiri dari kadar nitrogen formol, nitrogen total, pH dan log bakteri. Isolat bakteri yang didapat dari isolasi diidentifikasi secara morfologi yang meliputi warna koloni, bentuk koloni, elevasi koloni, tepi koloni, bentuk sel dan pewarnaan gram serta dilakukan uji biokimia menggunakan Microbact GNB 24E Oxoid untuk mengetahui kedekatan spesiesnya. Hasil analisis ragam menunjukkan bahwa persentase inokulum dan waktu inkubasi berpengaruh terhadap penurunan kadar nitrogen total tetapi tidak berpengaruh terhadap kadar nitrogen formol dan log bakteri, sedangkan pH hanya dipengaruhi oleh waktu inkubasi. Hasil uji kemampuan proteolitik menggunakan faktor waktu inkubasi dan persentase inokulum didapatkan rentang nilai kadar nitrogen formol antara 33,85-44,65 mg/l, kadar nitrogen total 65,87-243,73 mg/l, pH 7,807-8,297, dan log bakteri 8,29-9,04. Hidrolisis protein (%DH) tertinggi sebesar 64,07% dicapai pada waktu inkubasi 72 jam dengan persentase inokulum 15%. Isolat bakteri 1011II24b merupakan bakteri Serratia liquefaciens dengan koloni berwarna putih transparan, bentuk koloni bulat (sirkuler), elevasi koloni datar, tepi koloni mulus (rata), sel berbentuk batang dan merupakan bakteri Gram negatif.

English Abstract

Liquid soybean-waste consist of protein organic compounds. Protein degradation processed by proteolytic bacteria in hydrolysis phase. Bacteria’s isolation and selection process should be done in order to get the isolates of proteplytic bacteria such as the best capabilities in hydrolysis phase. The purposes of this research are : 1). Determine the effect of incubation time and the percentage of inoculum to hydrolyze protein compound from liquid soybean-waste. 2). Classify the morphology and biochemical characteristics of isolates proteolytic of indigenous bacteria from liquid soybean-waste which is selected. The study was conducted using a randomized block design (RBD) arranged as factorial by using two-factors including percentage of inoculums (I) are consist of three levels too: I1= 5%; I2= 10%; and I3= 15%, and incubation time (W) which is consists of three level: W1= 24 hours; W2= 48 hours, and W3= 72 hours. There will be three times of equal treatments. Data analysis using ANOVA and Least Significant Difference or BNT test 5%. Measured parameter consists certain level of nitrogen formol, nitrogen total, acidity and the number of bacteria. Isolates of bacteria are gathered from isolation based on morphology identification include colour, shape, elevation, edge of the colony, cells shape and gram staining and biochemistry test using Microbact GNB 24E Oxoid to test the species family. The result of analysis of variance shows that the percentage of inoculums and incubation time influence the decreasing level of nitrogen total but have no significant effect to level of nitrogen formol and log bacteria, meanwhile acidity is influenced by time incubation’s only. The results of proteolytic xvi capabilities test using time incubation factor and percentage of inoculums shows the range value of nitrogen formol is up to 33,85-44,65 mg/l, the level of nitrogen total is 65,87-243,73 mg/l, acidity is 7,807-8,297, dan log bacteria is about 8,29-9,04. The best degree of hydrolysis is achieved at incubation time 72 hour and percentage of inoculums 15%. The isolates 1011II24b as Serratia liquefaciens bacteria which has white transparent colony’s colour, round shape (sirculer), flat elevation, flat edge, rod-shaped cells and classified as negative Gram bacteria.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/FTP/2015/345/051508634
Uncontrolled Keywords: Limbah Cair Tahu, Persentase Inokulum, Protein, Proteolitik, Waktu Inkubasi,-Liquid soybean-waste, percentage of inoculums, protein, proteolytic, time incubation
Subjects: 300 Social sciences > 338 Production > 338.1 Agriculture
Divisions: Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian > Teknologi Industri Pertanian
Depositing User: Budi Wahyono Wahyono
Date Deposited: 31 Dec 2015 15:20
Last Modified: 24 Nov 2021 07:32
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