Analisis Kelayakan Teknis Produksi Dan Finansial Pendirian Industri Kecil Kerupuk Kaldu Kupang Putih (Corbula Faba Hinds).

Wahyuningtyas, Septiana (2014) Analisis Kelayakan Teknis Produksi Dan Finansial Pendirian Industri Kecil Kerupuk Kaldu Kupang Putih (Corbula Faba Hinds). Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Kupang adalah salah satu jenis perikanan laut yang banyak diusahakan oleh nelayan di Indonesia. Salah satu daerah potensial Kupang di Provinsi Jawa Timur adalah Kabupaten Sidoarjo. Ada dua jenis Kupang yang biasa ditangkap oleh nelayan yaitu Kupang Merah dan Kupang Putih. Mayoritas para nelayan lebih banyak menangkap Kupang Putih dari pada Kupang Merah, karena habitat Kupang Merah kini telah ditempati oleh Kupang Putih. Pada tahun 2013 produksi rata-rata kupang mencapai32,5 ton per hari.Kupang Putih dimanfaatkan menjadi 3 jenis olahan, yaitu daging kupang dimanfatkan sebagai olahan makanan seperti petis kupang, bakso kupang, dan lontong kupang, cangkang kupang dimanfaatkan sebagai bahan campuran pakan udang. Kaldu Kupang Putih belum dimanfaatkan menjadi olahan yang lebih ekonomis. Untuk meningkatkan nilai jual Kupang Putih maka dilakukan pemanfaatan Kaldu Kupang Putih sebagai olahan kerupuk. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui mutu organoleptik, fisik, dan kimia kerupuk kaldu Kupang Putih skala industri kecil, serta mengetahui analisis kelayakan teknis dan finansial pendirian industri kecil kerupuk kaldu Kupang Putih. Penelitian dilakukan di UD Udin Jaya Desa Tlasih, Sidoarjo, Laboratorium Teknologi Agrokimia, dan Laboratorium Manajemen dan Analisis Sistem Jurusan TIP, FTP, UB Malang pada bulan Juni-Juli 2013. Penelitian dilakukan penggandaan skala industri kecil ± 60 kg kaldu Kupang Putih. Pengujian meliputi pengujian fisik, kimia, dan organoleptik. Pengolahan data uji fisik dan kimia dihitung dengan perhitungan statistik uji t berpasangan. Aspek teknis yang dikaji meliputi penentuan letak geografis lokasi,kebutuhan bahan baku dan pembantu, pemilihan jenis teknologikapasitas produksi dan utilitas,perencanaan tata letak fasilitas, serta penentuan jumlah tenaga kerja. Aspek finansial yang dikaji meliputi harga pokok produksi, BEP, R/C Ratio, NPV, IRR, dan PP. Hasil penelitian diperoleh produksi kerupuk kaldu Kupang Putih tidakberupa volume pengembangan, daya patah, kadar air, kadar protein dan kadar abu.Rerata karekteristik kualitas kerupuk kaldu Kupang Putih skala industri kecil meliputi volume pengembangan 176,7%, daya patah 13,2 N, kadar air 5,341%, kadar protein 1,550% dan kadar abu 1,440%. Hasil uji organoleptik oleh 15 panelis terhadap warna, aroma, dan rasa menunjukkan tidak ada perbedaaan nyata antara produk skala industri kecil dengan skala laboratorium pada selang kepercayaan 5%.Perencanaan letak geografis lokasi, layout, kebutuhan bahan baku pembantu dan pengemas, jenis teknologi, kebutuhan tenaga kerja, kapasitas produksi, dan utilitas berdasarkan kondisi di UKM kerupuk ikan UD Udin Jaya, dikatakan layak secara teknis. Biaya investasi awal sebesar Rp 1.002.844.750,- didapatkan harga jual per unit Rp 43.750,- nilai break event point 10.331 unit per tahun, R/C Ratio 2,5 dan laba bersih sebesar Rp 1.653.250,-. Kriteria investasi berdasarkan net present value, internal rate of return, dan payback period untuk pendirian industri kecil kerupuk kaldu Kupang Putih dikatakan layak secara finansial.

English Abstract

Mussel is one type of sea fish that are commonly found in Indonesian fishermen. One potential area of Mussels in East Java is Sidoarjo. There are two types of Mussels commonly caught by fishermen is Red and White Mussels. The majority of the fishermen to catch more of the White Mussels than Red Mussels, because a habitat of the Red Mussels is now occupied by White. In 2013, the average production of mussels reached 32.5 tons everyday. White Mussels used to be 3 types of processed, meat mussels are used as a paste processed foods such as mussels, meatballs mussels, mussels and rice cake, mussels shells used as a mixture of shrimp feed. White Mussels broth untapped be processed more economical. To increase the sale value of the White Mussels, use of broth as processed crackers. The purpose of this study was to determine the organoleptic quality, physical, and chemical broth cracker White Mussels in small-scale industries, as well as determine the technical feasibility and financial analysis of small industrial establishments cracker White Mussels broth. The study was conducted at UD Udin Jaya, Tlasih village, Sidoarjo, Agrochemicals Technology Laboratory, and Laboratory Management and System Analysis Department of TIP, FTP, UB Malang in June-July 2013. Research conducted small-scale replication industry ±60 kg broth White Mussels. Testing includes testing of physical, chemical, and organoleptic. Processing of physical and chemical test data is computed by calculating the statistical t test, whereas organoleptic analysis of the data using different test pairs. The technical aspects are examined include the determination of the geographical position location, need for raw materials and auxiliaries, the choice of technology and production capacity of utility, facility layout planning, and determination of the amount of labor. Financial aspects examined include the cost of production, BEP, R/C ratio, NPV, IRR, and PP. The results were obtained broth White Mussels cracker production of small-scale industries such as volume expansion, broken power, water content, protein content and ash content was not significantly different from laboratory scale. The mean quality characteristics cracker White Mussels broth includes the volume of small-scale industrial development of 176.7%, 13.2 N power broken, the water content of 5.341%, 1.550% protein content and ash content of 1.440%. The results of organoleptic test by 15 panelists for color, aroma, and flavor showed no real difference between the products of small scale industries with laboratory scale at 5% confidence interval. Planning geographic location, layout, raw material requirements and packaging helper, type of technology, manpower requirements, production capacity, and utilities based on conditions in the small and medium enterprises UD fish crackers Udin Jaya, said technically feasible. The cost of the initial investment of Rp1,002,844,750, - the sale price obtained a pack of Rp43,750, - value break-even point 10 331 units a year, the R/C ratio of 2.5 and a net profit of Rp1,653,250, -. Investment criteria based on net present value, internal rate of return, and payback period for the establishment of small industries White Mussels broth cracker said financially viable.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/FTP/2014/288/051404709
Subjects: 300 Social sciences > 338 Production > 338.1 Agriculture
Divisions: Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian > Teknologi Industri Pertanian
Depositing User: Hasbi
Date Deposited: 18 Aug 2014 09:13
Last Modified: 09 Nov 2021 06:44
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