Perangkingan Calon Peserta Sertifikasi Guru Dengan Menggunakan Topsis (Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution) Multiple-Attribute Decision Making (Madm)

Dwijayanti, YessyFebri (2013) Perangkingan Calon Peserta Sertifikasi Guru Dengan Menggunakan Topsis (Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution) Multiple-Attribute Decision Making (Madm). Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Pendidikan sangatlah penting untuk kemajuan sumber daya manusia. Salah satu cara untuk meningkatkan pendidikan yaitu dengan cara meningkatkan kualitas Guru. Peningkatan kualitas guru dilakukan oleh Diknas dengan cara melakukan sertifikasi guru. Calon sertifikasi guru mempunyai beberapa kriteria diantaranya masa kerja sebagai guru, usia, pangkat, tugas tambahan, beban kerja dan prestasi. Permasalahan ini dapat membantu Diknas apabila dengan menggunakan sistem rekomendasi. Salah satu teknik untuk menyelesaikan masalah keputusan atau seleksi secara praktis yaitu MADM (Multiple-Atrribute Decision Making) dengan salah satu metodenya yaitu metode TOPSIS (Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution) dengan metode pembobotan Entropy. Perhitungan TOPSIS dilakukan dengan menghitung jarak kedekatan dari masing-masing alternatif yang terpilih. Jarak kedekatan itu nantinya akan dirangking dari nilai terbesar hingga nilai terkecil. Hasil yang didapatkan yaitu tingkat akurasi kesamaan sebesar 2% pada tingkat kesamaan. Urutan kriteria yang berpengaruh dari hasil sistem yaitu kriteria prestasi, tugas tambahan, pangkat, usia, masa kerja, dan yang terakhir yaitu beban kerja. Pengujian sensitivitas dilakukan dengan cara menambah dan mengurangi bobot setiap kriteria yang berguna untuk mengetahui kriteria mana yang paling sensitif dan berpengaruh. Kriteria disini yang paling sensitif yaitu kriteria prestasi karena kriteria prestasi memiliki nilai bobot yang paling besar diantara kriteria yang lain.

English Abstract

"Teachers are professional educator whose main duty is to educate, teach, guide, orientate, train, assess, and evaluate the young students in formal education, primary education, and secondary education” has been preset in Law Number 14 Year 2005 about teachers and lecturers. The teachers are required to have academic qualification, competence, educator certificate, physically and mentally healthy, and ability to make the purpose of national education happens. Because of that, Teachers Certification is held to appreciate the teachers’ hard work and to improve their self quality as an educator. The order of priorities of Teachers Certification’s prospective participants’ criteria are: period of work as a teacher, age, rank, workload, additional duties, and work achievement, which have been preset by national education authorities (known as Diknas). One of simple problem solving techniques is called MADM (Multiple-Attribute Decision Making), which has a method named TOPSIS (Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution) and uses Entropy as their weighting method. TOPSIS calculates the similarities of each selected alternatives. Sensitivity is a calculation which changes the priorities either by increasing it or reducing it. The result is used to know which one is the most sensitive. The degree of accuracy between the result which taken using the software and the result which taken using conventional way by the national education authorities is 2% in accuracy and 98% in inaccuracy. The most influential criterias from the system result are achievement, additional duties, rank, age, period of work as a teacher, and the last one is workload.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/FTIK/2013/26/051300956
Subjects: 000 Computer science, information and general works > 005 Computer programming, programs, data
Divisions: Fakultas Ilmu Komputer > Teknik Informatika
Depositing User: Hasbi
Date Deposited: 28 Mar 2013 10:06
Last Modified: 23 Oct 2021 09:43
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