Produktivitas sapi Peranakan Simmental berdasarkan prestasi reproduksi tahun 2005-2006 di Kabupaten Tulungagung

NadyaDesinawati (2008) Produktivitas sapi Peranakan Simmental berdasarkan prestasi reproduksi tahun 2005-2006 di Kabupaten Tulungagung. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Penelitian dilaksanakan di Desa Pojok Kecamatan Campurdarat Kabupaten Tulungagung, mulai tanggal 1 April 2007 sampai dengan tanggal 26 Mei 2007. Manfaat penelitian ini adalah dijadikan sebagai informasi prestasi reproduksi, pedoman dan pertimbangan untuk pengembangan produktivitas sapi peranakan Simmental di Kabupaten Tulungagung. Tujuan penelitian yaitu untuk mengetahui tingkat produktivitas sapi peranakan Simmental berdasarkan prestasi reproduksi. Materi yang digunakan yaitu sapi peranakan Simmental sebanyak 440 ekor. Metode penelitian yaitu studi kasus. Variabel yang diamati yaitu identitas responden, tujuan pemeliharaan, jumlah kepemilikan ternak, komposisi ternak, prestasi reproduksi (service per conception, calving interval), jumlah kelahiran, jumlah kematian, dan mutasi ternak. Data yang diperoleh dihitung rata-rata, standar deviasi kemudian dianalisis secara deskriptif. Hasil penelitian didapatkan rata-rata umur peternak adalah 44,22 tahun dengan jenjang pendidikan Buta huruf 3,22%, SD 87,09%, SMP 5,16%, SMA 4,51% dan PT tidak ada. Lama beternak rata-rata 5,39 tahun. Sistem pemeliharaan dilakukan secara tradisional dengan tujuan pemeliharaan sebagian besar 98% sebagai tabungan dan 2% sebagai tenaga kerja. Batas umur pemeliharaan sapi jantan 4,28 ± 0,87 tahun dan sapi betina 6,33 ± 1,34 tahun. Jumlah kepemilikan ternak rata-rata 2,81 ekor atau 2,26 UT dimana status kepemilikan ternak sendiri 98% dan gaduhan 2%. Komposisi ternak betina baik dewasa, muda maupun pedet lebih besar daripada ternak jantan dengan rincian persentase betina dewasa 57,04 ekor (71,97 UT), betina muda 6,82 ekor (4,31 UT) dan pedet betina 12,72 ekor (4,01 UT) ; jantan dewasa 11,13 ekor (14,05 UT), jantan muda 5,69 ekor (3,59 UT) dan pedet jantan 6,60 ekor (2,07 UT). Sistem perkawinan yang digunakan seluruhnya adalah IB. Umur sapi jantan dikawinkan pertama kali tidak diketahui dan sapi betina dikawinkan pertama kali 19,77 ± 3,62 bulan. Umur penyapihan pedet 3,41 ± 0,74 bulan. Induk dikawinkan kembali setelah beranak 4,96 ± 0,55 bulan. Umur pertama kali melahirkan 28,20 ± 3,49 bulan. Calving interval 15,01 ± 0,92 bulan dan service per conception 2,10 ± 0,50 kali. Persentase angka kelahiran pedet terhadap induk adalah 33,87 dengan rincian persentase angka kelahiran pedet jantan adalah 11,56 dan pedet betina 22,31 sedangkan persentase angka kematian pedet terhadap populasi yaitu 6,6 sementara persentase angka kematian pedet terhadap kelahiran adalah 33,93. Mutasi ternak masuk di desa Pojok tidak diketahui sementara ternak keluar untuk jantan 44% dan betina 56% dengan alasan mutasi yaitu dijual 9,54% dan digaduh 1,82%. Rata-rata umur ternak yang dimutasi 4,84 tahun. Dari hasil penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa produktivitas sapi peranakan Simmental di desa Pojok tergolong rendah berdasarkan prestasi reproduksi dilihat angka Service per conception 2,10 ± 0,50 kali dan angka kelahiran 33,87%. Produktivitas sapi peranakan Simmental dapat ditingkatkan dengan memperhatikan pengelolaan reproduksi melalui pengamatan tanda-tanda

English Abstract

This research was conducted at Pojok vilage Kecamatan Campurdarat Kabupaten Tulungagung, from date April1st up to May 26th 2007. The usefulness of this research as the information of reproductive performance and as the guidance, consideration and development Simmental cross breed for the development productivity at Tulungagung Regency. The purpose of this research to understand the productivity cross breed based on the reproduction performance. The materials used on this research were 440 Simmental cross breed. The method used case study. The variables observed were respondent identity, aims of cultivation, amount of cows, composition of cow, reproductive performance (service per conception, calving interval), amount of birth, amount of dead and mutation. The data obtained then was calculated in order to obtain the value of average, deviation standard, where the analysis was performed descriptively. The result showed that average age of farmer was 44.22 years where the education level was illiterate 3.22%, primary school 87.09%, junior high school 5.16%, senior high school 4.51% and no college graduate. The average of length of time in breeding was 5.39 years. The system of breeding was performed traditionally, the purpose of breeder in breeding cows 98% as saving 2% as workforce. Age limit for breeding was 4.28 years for male and 6.33 years for female. The amount of ownership of livestock was 2.81 or 2.26 UT where the statuses of ownership were 98% of self-own and 2% of other-own. Composition female livestock of adult goodness, young and also bigger calf birth than masculine livestock with detail of female percentage of adult 57.04 heads (71.97 UT), young female 6.82 heads (4.31 UT) and female calf birth 12.72 heads (4.01 UT) ; adult male 11.13 heads (14.05 UT), young male 5.69 heads (3.59 UT) and male calf birth 6.60 heads (2.07 UT). The system of mating used was AI. The ageof oxen mated on the first time was unknown while the cow mated for the first time was 19.77 ± 3.62 months. The age of weaning the calves was 3.41 ± 0.74 months. Mains mating again equal to 4.96 ± 0.55 months. The age of first time birth was 28.20 ± 3.49 months. Calving interval was 15.01 ± 0.92 month and service per conception was 2.10 times. Percentage of birth rate of calf birth to mains is 33.87 with detail of percentage of birth rate of male calf birth 11.56 and female calf birth 22.31 while percentage of mortality of calf birth to population that is 6.6 whereas percentage of mortality to calf birth is 33.93. Livestock mutation enter in unknown Corner countryside whereas livestock go out to be male 44% and female 56% with reason of mutation that is sold 9.54% and sharing holder 1.82%. Mean old age livestock which mutation 4.84. From result of this research inferential that productivity of Simmental cross breed at Pojok village pertained to by lower pursuant to achievement reproduce seen from height of number of service per conception 2.1 ± 0.50 times and birth rate 33.87%. Productivity of Simmental cross breed can be improved withattention of management reproduce through perception marking of followed by more intensive oestrus of reporting of oestrus to inseminator to conducted Insemination on time.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/FPT/2008/50/050801060
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 636 Animal husbandry
Divisions: Fakultas Peternakan > Peternakan
Depositing User: Unnamed user with email
Date Deposited: 08 Apr 2008 09:32
Last Modified: 20 Oct 2021 11:05
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