Insiden Penyakit Yang Disebabkan Virus Pada Tanaman Cabai Capsicum Annuum L. Di Kabupaten Blitar

Kristinasari, DwiArista (2016) Insiden Penyakit Yang Disebabkan Virus Pada Tanaman Cabai Capsicum Annuum L. Di Kabupaten Blitar. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Cabai (Capsicum annum L) merupakan salah satu komoditi sayuran yang tersebar diberbagai wilayah Indonesia. Provinsi Jawa Timur merupakan salah satu wilayah sebagai sentra cabai yang berkonstribusi memasok cabai sebesar 9,66% untuk memenuhi kebutuhan nasional pada tahun 2010-2014 (Indarti, 2015). Berdasarkan Badan Pusat Stratistik Jawa Timur pada tahun 2014, cabai merupakan salah satu komoditi unggulan di Jawa Timur dengan produksi sebesar 111.02 ton yang dipasok dari beberapa kabupaten sebagai sentra cabai, salah satunya adalah Kabupaten Blitar yang berada pada urutan ke tiga dengan produksi sebesar 15,830 ton (BPS Jawa Timur, 2015). Cabai banyak dibudidayakan oleh petani di Kabupaten Blitar karena memiliki harga jual tinggi, selain itu juga untuk memenuhi kebutuhan konsumsi masyarakat. Budidaya cabai sering mengalami masalah akibat seranga penyakit salah satunya virus. Virus menyebabkan perubahan morfologi pada tanaman. Virus mudah tersebar diberbagai wilayah disebabkan oleh serangga vektor. Geminivirus memiliki vektor spesifik yaitu Bemisia tabaci, sedangkan Cucumber mosaic virus ditularkan melalui Aphis sp. Survei telah dilaksanakan di pusat-pusat budidaya cabai dengan dua ketinggian yang berbeda di Kabupaten Blitar yaitu 100– 250m dpl meliputi Kecamatan Sutojayan, Srengat, Ponggok dan pada ketinggian 250-500m dpl yaitu di Bakung, Kademangan dan Wonotirto. Pelaksanaan penelitian pada bulan Februari sampai Maret 2016. Data penelitian dianalisis secara deskriptif, korelasi dan regresi. Pengamatan penyakit tanaman cabai di lahan Kabupaten Blitar menunjukkan gejala terinfeksi virus. Tanaman yang terinfeksi jenis Geminivirus memiliki tipe gejala daun berwarna kuning, hijau terang, malformasi (perubahan bentuk daun seperti keriting, cupping) serta kerdil. Sedangkan tipe gejala serangan Cucumber mosaic virus menunjukkan permukaan daun mosaik, daun menyempit serta distorsi (daun menggulung ke bawah). Tingkat serangan Geminivirus pada dua ketinggian menunjukkan hasil beda nyata, pada ketinggian 250-500m dpl lebih tinggi dibandingkan ketinggian 100-250m dpl. Tingkat serangan Cucumber mosaic virus pada dua ketinggian hasil tidak berbeda nyata. Hubungan Bemisia tabaci dengan Geminivirus pada ketinggian 100-250 m dpl memiliki nilai korelasi sebesar 0,119 dengan kategori sangat lemah, dibandingkan ketinggian 250-500 m dpl yaitu 0,527 dengan kategori kuat. Hasil analisis regresi Bemisia tabaci dan Geminivirus diketinggian 100-250 diperoleh persamaan y=1,758x + 38,189 dengan R2 0,014 sedangkan di ketinggian 250-500 yaitu y=3,444x + 57,16 dengan R2 0,277. Hubungan Aphis sp dengan Cucumber mosaic virus dianalisis secara diskriptif karena keberadaan populasi Aphis sp serta insiden penyakit akibat Cucumber mosaic virus yang rendah di lapang diduga disebabkan pengelolaan yang diterapkan oleh petani seperti penggunaan varietas, pengendalian kimia, serta adanya musim penghujan.

English Abstract

Pepper ( Capsicum annum L ) is one of vegetables which spread in Indonesia . East java is one of the regions as central of pepper whose supply 9,66 % to cover national requirements on 2010 to 2014 (indarti , 2015) . Based on the Statistical Center Institute, on 2014, pepper is one of the primary commodities on East Java which produce 111.02 tons that is supplied from several districts as central pepper in East Java. One of them is Blitar which is in the third place of district that produce 15,830 tons of peppers (BPS East Java , 2015). Many farmers in Blitar cultivate peppers because it is valuable and to meet the society’s need. The cultivation of peppers often meet with the problems, one of the problems is caused by virus. The virus causes the change of morphology of the plant. Virus is easily diffused in areas caused by the vector insects. Geminivirus has specific vector namely Bemisia tabaci, while Cucumber mosaic virus can be transmitted through vector Aphis sp. The survey was conducted in central cultivation pepper with two different heights in Blitar that is 100-250m on the sea level included in the Sutojayan, Srengat, Ponggok and at an altitude of 250-500m on the sea level those in the Bakung, Kademangan and Wonotirto. This research was held on February until March 2016. The data on this research analyzed descriptively, correlation and regression . The observation of disease plant which attack pepper plant in Blitar showed that the symtoms were infected by virus. Geminivirus infected of the plant has type of symptoms leafs are yellow , bright green , malformation ( changing the form of leafs become curly , cupping ) and stunted. The attack of Cucumber mosaic virus has type symptoms are the surface of a leaf become mosaic, a narrowing leaf and distortion ( leaf roll down ). The attack of Geminivirus on the both heights show the significant result, at the height of 250-500m on the sea level higher than the height of 100-250m on the sea level. There is no significant differences on the attack of Cucumber mosaic virus on the both heights. Relationship beetwen Bemisia tabaci and Geminivirus at the height of 100-250 m sea level had correlation value 0,119 lower than at the height of 250 m sea level which correlation value is height 0,527. The results of regression analysis of Bemisia tabaci and Geminivirus at the height of 100-250m on the sea level is obtained from the value of the equation y=1,758x + 38,189 with R2 0,014, while at the height of 250-500m on the sea level is obtained from the value of the equation y=3,444x + 57,16 with R2 0,277. Aphis sp had relationship with Cucumber mosaic virus which were analyzed descriptively because the existence of the population Aphis sp and the disease incidents caused by Cucumber mosaic virus were low in the field. It was caused by the management which was applied by farmers like using of varieties, pest and diseases control, and raining season.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/FP/2016/398/ 051607460
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 632 Plant injuries, diseases, pests
Divisions: Fakultas Pertanian > Hama dan Penyakit Tanaman
Depositing User: Kustati
Date Deposited: 08 Aug 2016 10:05
Last Modified: 08 Aug 2016 10:05
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