Karakterisasi Beberapa Galur Inbrida Jagung Manis (Zea Mays L. Saccharata)

Widowati, Anggi (2015) Karakterisasi Beberapa Galur Inbrida Jagung Manis (Zea Mays L. Saccharata). Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Galur inbrida merupakan tetua dari varietas hibrida. Sedikitnya ketersediaan produksi benih hibrida disebabkan oleh sedikitnya ketersediaan benih yang memiliki sifat unggul bagi petani dan minimnya informasi bagi pemulia tanaman mengenai karakter yang ada sangat diperlukan untuk menentukan karakter mana yang akan dilepas menjadi varietas baru . Upaya untuk mengatasi permasalahan tersebut adalah dengan cara karakterisasi galur inbrida yang menjadi tetua varietas hibrida untuk mendapatkan informasi mengenai karakter yang memiliki produksi lebih baik. Karakterisasi ialah suatu upaya mendeskripsikan atau menggambarkan karakter dari tanaman yang akan diamati. Karakterisasi merupakan suatu langkah yang perlu dilakukan pemulia tanaman sebelum melepas suatu varietas. Hasil dari karakterisasi akan menghasilkan suatu informasi mengenai karakter suatu tanaman sehingga dapat diseleksi lebih lanjut dan dipilih yang memiliki karakter terbaik untuk bisa dijadikan sebagai tetua. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah memperoleh informasi mengenai deskripsi dan ciri karakter kualitatif dan kuantitatif galur-galur inbrida jagung. Adapun hipotesis yang diusulkan ialah diduga terdapat perbedaan karakter dari 9 galur inbrida jagung manis yang diamati. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Kelurahan Dadaprejo Kecamatan Junrejo Kota Batu, ketinggian tempat 560 meter dpl, curah hujan 1600 mm/tahun, suhu rata-rata harian 240C, kelembaban 78 % dan jenis tanah alfisols. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan mulai bulan November 2013 - bulan Februari 201 4

English Abstract

The parent inbred lines of hybrid varieties. At least the availability of hybrid seed production because the minimum availability of seeds which have superior properties for farmers and plant breeders at least for the information about the existing characters is needed to determine which character will be released into new varieties. activities to overcome these problems is by means of the characterization of the parent inbred lines of hybrid varieties to get information about a character who has a better production. Characterization is to describe the character of the plant activity to be observed. Characterization is a step that needs to be done before releasing a variety. The results of the characterization will yield some information about the character of a plant that can be selected further and selected that has the best character to be used as parent. The purpose of this research is to get information about the description and characteristics of qualitative and quantitative character maize inbred lines. The hypothesis is that there are differences in the character of the suspected 9 sweet corn inbred lines were observed. This research was conducted in village Dadaprejo Junrejo District - Batu, altitude 560 meters above sea level, rainfall of 1600 mm/year, average daily temperature of 24ºC, 78% humidity and alfisols soil types. This research was began in November 2013 - February 2014 . Tools used include hoe, drill, bamboo, silver mulch, scales, tape measure, ruler, camera, gray fabric, paper label. Materials used include sweet corn inbred lines 9, A2, B2, BIA 3, JMJ POP 4, KA 11, KG 1, LIA 21, GS, KI 5, fertilizers and pesticides. Variables observed is divided into two, the qualitative variables and qualitative variables. Qualitative variables include the first leaf tip shape, altitude of blade, color of tessel, color of color of silk, color of stem, shapes of ear, color of seed, formation of grain. Quantitative variables include plant length (cm), number of primary lateral branches tessel, length of main axis above lowest side branch tessel (cm), length of main axis above upper side branches tessel (cm), length of side branches tessel (cm), male flowering (DAP), female flowering (DAP), male flowering (DAP), length of peduncle (cm), diameter of ear (cm), length of ear wihtout husk (cm), number of row of grain, weight of 100 seed (g). The experimental design used was a randomized block design with a single factor, namely the character of the plant. This experiment consisted of three groups, each group states replications. Each group consisted of 9 inbred lines were placed randomly, experiment there were 27 experimental units. Experimental unit consisted of 120 plants. Observations at 12 plants sample in the sweet corn inbred lines. To see the character of 9 inbred lines tested, data analysis was performed using the F test 5%. If the F test was significantly different, further testing is done using the Duncan test (DMRT) at 5% significance level. The results of this research show lines A2, B2, BIA 3, GS, JMJ POP 4, KA 11, KG 1, KI 5 and LIA 21 differences in every qualitative and quantitative character. The results of cluster analysis showed qualitative character 9 sweet corn inbred lines that have similarities characters in lines A2, KG 1 and LIA 21 to 100% similarity coefficient. B2 have similar character 83.75% with A2, KG 1 and LIA 21. GS have qualitative character with JMJ POP 4 of 83.75%. KA 11 have similar qualitative characteristics with GS and JMJ POP 4 of 75.63%. BIA 3 and KI 5 have similar qualitative characteristics of 83.75%. From the dendogram results also showed an outline that A2, KG 1, LIA 21 and B2 have similar qualitative characteristics with GS, JMJ POP 4 and KA 11 of 64.79%. While the A2, KG 1, LIA 21, B2, GS, and JMJ POP 4 have similar qualitative character lines and KI 5, BIA 3 of 57.05%. KA 11 has a different character of its own leaf pattern of all lines were observed. Lines KA 11 has a unique leaf pattern is a pattern of leaf blade straight. Character pattern straight leaves is used as a characteristic of a line KA 11. Lines A2, B2, BIA 3, GS, JMJ POP 4, KA 11, KG 1, KI 5 and

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/FP/2014/509/051500477
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 631 Specific techniques; apparatus, equipment materials > 631.5 Cultivation and harvesting
Divisions: Fakultas Pertanian > Budidaya Pertanian
Depositing User: Hasbi
Date Deposited: 28 Jan 2015 15:03
Last Modified: 20 Oct 2021 14:24
URI: http://repository.ub.ac.id/id/eprint/129995
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