Karakterisasi Beberapa Galur Inbreed Generasi S5 Pada Fase Vegetatif Tanaman Jagung (Zea Mays L.)

Draseffi, DekaLudia (2014) Karakterisasi Beberapa Galur Inbreed Generasi S5 Pada Fase Vegetatif Tanaman Jagung (Zea Mays L.). Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Jagung merupakan tanaman pangan strategis sebagai bahan pangan, pakan,sumber bio energi dan bahan baku industri. Jagung termasuk sumber utama karbohidrat dan sumber mutu protein setelah beras. Pada tahun mendatang kebutuhan akan jagung terus meningkat sejalan dengan meningkatnya laju pertumbuhan penduduk dan meningkatnya kebutuhan pakan ternak. Oleh karena itu, jagung sebagai komoditas multifungsi mempunyai prospek yang sangat baik, sekarang maupun dimasa mendatang. Karakteristik tanaman jagung dapat dilihat berdasarkan ciri vegetatif maupun ciri generatif. Karakteristik sangat berguna untuk mendapatkan deskripsi dan klasifikasi tanaman jagung sehingga masyarakat dengan mudah dapat menentukan kultivar tanaman jagung. Selain itu, keseragaman dari ciri spesifik yang dimiliki antar kultivar tanaman jagung dapat menunjukkan hubungan kekerabatannya. Tujuan penelitian ini ialah untuk mengetahui perbedaan karakter vegetatif dan mengetahui tingkat keseragaman beberapa galur jagung inbrida. Hipotesis penelitian ini adalah diduga terdapat perbedaan karakter dari beberapa galur inbrida tanaman jagung pada fase vegetatifnya dan masing-masing galur mempunyai tingkat keseragaman yang tinggi. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan Oktober – Desem ber 2013 di Kebun Percobaan Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Brawijaya yang terletak di Desa Jatikerto, Kecamatan Kromengan, Kabupaten Malang. Alat yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini meliputi: busur derajat, spidol, pensil, meteran, jangka sorong, kamera , kertas millimeter , dan kertas label. Bahan yang akan digunakan dalam penelitian, yaitu : benih yang berasal dari hasil persilangan sibmate sebelumnya yang terdiri 21 galur inbrida yaitu galur yaitu S-M, SH , S-J, Self A 1 , Self A 2 , 10-6 2 , PN, MJ, Self 3, Self 4-1, Self 4-2, 3-16, Self 5 1 , Self 5 2 ,10-OP, 10-1, 10-6 1 , 10-5, 33-7, Self 13, dan Self 12. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan single plant dengan jarak tanam 80 cm x 3 5 cm yang terdiri dari 21 galur jagung dengan masing-masing galur terdiri dari 6 0 tanaman , s ehingga terdapat luas lahan keseluruhan 3300 m2 . S etiap lubang nya terdiri dari 2 benih didapatkan total populasi tanaman sebanyak 1260 tanaman . &nbs

English Abstract

Corn is a strategic food crops as food ingredients, feed, bio energy sources and raw materials industries. The main source of carbohydrate including corn and a quality protein source after rice. In the coming years the need for corn continued to rise in line with the increasing rate of population growth and the increasing need for animal feed. Therefore, the corn as a commodity has multifunctional prospects are very good, now and in the future. Characteristics of corn plants can be seen based on the characteristics of vegetative and generative characteristics. The characteristics are very useful to get a description and classification of corn plants so that the community can easily determine the cultivars of corn. Moreover, the uniformity of the specific characteristics that belong among cultivars of corn may indicate the kindship. The purpose of this research is to know the difference between vegetative character and know the level of uniformity of some lines of corn inbrida. he hypothesis of this research is the alleged discrepancies of the characters from some lines of corn crops in the inbrida phase of vegetatifnya and each strain has a high degree of uniformity. The research was carried out in October to December 2013. The Experimental Faculty of Agriculture University of Brawijaya in Desa Jatikerto, Kecamatan Kromengan, Kabupaten Malang. Tools used in this research include: Protractor, tape measure, pencil, markers, caliper, cameras, millimeter, paper and paper labels. Materials to be used in the study, namely: the seed that comes from the results of the previous sibmate a cross consisting of 21 lines of inbrida is a S-M, SH , S-J, Self A 1 , Self A 2 , 10-6 2 , PN, MJ , Self 3, Self 4-1, Self 4-2, 3-16, Self 5 1 , Self 5 2 ,10-OP, 10-1, 10-6 1 , 10-5, 33-7, Self 13, and Self 12. This research uses the draft single plant with trunks 80 cm x 35 cm, consisting of 21 lines corn with each strain consisting of 60 plants, so there is an overall land area 3300 m2. Every hole consists of 2 seeds obtained a total total of 1260 plants plant population. Based on analysis of variance between lines for the qualitative character of the observed 5 shows the result there is uniformity in the qualitative character that is dominated by characters of color koleoptil that is reddish, forms the tip of the leaf characters category that is round, angle between characters of leaf and stem on the category being 50, the character of the helaian leaves are slightly curved and the character form of the leaf edges slightly bumpy. Then there is uniformity in all the lines tested in quantitative characters (plant height, number of leaves, leaf width, leaf length and diameter of the trunk), but there are a few lines (Self, Self A 2 ,MJ, Self 4-2, S-J and 10-6 2 ) experienced a growth of less than optimal due to the presence of impaired OPT in roomy, so still unknown degree of uniformity.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/FP/2014/267/051406095
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 631 Specific techniques; apparatus, equipment materials > 631.5 Cultivation and harvesting
Divisions: Fakultas Pertanian > Budidaya Pertanian
Depositing User: Hasbi
Date Deposited: 20 Oct 2014 10:07
Last Modified: 20 Oct 2021 06:23
URI: http://repository.ub.ac.id/id/eprint/129731
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