Efikasi Zat Pengatur Tumbuh Etefon Untuk Mempercepat Pemasakan Buah Melon (Cucumis melo L.).

Ginting, RaimundusR (2014) Efikasi Zat Pengatur Tumbuh Etefon Untuk Mempercepat Pemasakan Buah Melon (Cucumis melo L.). Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Salah satu komoditas hortikultura yang mulai dikembangkan adalah tanaman melon. V arietas melon yang banyak diminati petani adalah melon varietas Action 434 . Melon ini memiliki b uah berbentuk bulat berjaring tebal dan rapat , warna kulit buah hijau dan warna daging buah hijau kekuning-kuningan. Rasanya renyah dan manis dengan kadar gula kurang lebih 14% Brix. U kuran dan berat buah 2-4 kg. Varietas ini mulai dapat dipanen pada umur 60-65 hst. Varietas Action 434 tahan dalam penyimpanan dan pengangkutan jarak jauh. Panen buah melon dipengaruhi oleh varietas, cuaca dan tempat penanaman. Namun pemasakan buah yang disesuaikan dengan permintaan dan untuk mengejar harga dapat dilakukan dengan cara pengethrelan agar buah dapat masak secara bersamaan . Z at pengatur tumbuh yang sering digunakan untuk menyerempakkan kemasakan buah adalah dari golongan etilen. Etefon, yang berbahan aktif etilen, dapat digunakan untuk menyerempakkan kemasakan buah sehingga pemanenan dapat dilakukan sekaligus terutama untuk sistem pemanenan mekanis. Etefon mempercepat proses pemasakan buah melon disebabkan mobilitas etilen dalam buah . P erubahan permeabilitas sel akan memungkinkan interaksi yang besar antara substrat buah dengan enzim-enzi m pematangan menyebabkan terjadinya percepatan proses respirasi didalam buah dan mempercepat proses perubahan karbohidrat menjadi gula pada proses pemasakan buah.

English Abstract

One of the horticultural commodities began to be developed is the melon crop. Melon varieties are many favorite of farmers was melon varieties Action 434 . Melon shaped fruit has a rounded nets thick and dense, fruit skin coler green and yellowish green fruit flesh color. Its feels crisp and sweet with sugar levels approximately 14%brix. The size and weight of fruit 2-4 kg. These varieties began to be harvested at age 60-65 hst. Verieties of Action 434 hold in storage and transport over long distances (Prajnanta, 2004) . Harvest fruit melon are influenced by varieties, weather, and planting. Fruit ripening but tailored to your requests and to purseu price can be done by means of plant growth regulator so that fruit can be ripening simultaneously. Growing regulatory substances frequently used for the synchronize frit ripeness is from the ethylene. Etefon which is made from ethylene active, can be used to synchronize the fruit ripeness so harvesting can be done all at same time for mechanized harvesting system. Etefon accelerates the process of ripening fruit melon caused mobility of ethylene in fruit. Changes the permeability of the cells will allow interaction between substrate with fruit ripening enzymes led to the acceleration of the process of respiration in the fruit and speeds up the process of changing carbohydrates inti sugars in fruit ripening process. The purpose of this research is to get the right concentration of the etefon to speed up the ripening melon fruit, synchronize harvest and increases the sweetnees of melon fruit (Brix). The hypothesis proposed is the granting of etefon the speeds up ripening melon fruit, synchronize harvest and increases the sweetnees of melon fruit ( Brix). The research was carried out in november 2011 to february 2012 at the village of kademangan, malang district of east java. With the height of 350 mdpl with an average temperature of 26-32 0C. Tools used in this research was a paper label ( impraboard ), hoe, trowel, roll meter, scales, calipers, hand sprayer, pnetrmeter and handrefactometer. The materials used in this research is the seed of melon varieties action 434, Prothephon 480 SL (ative ingredient etefon 480 g.l-1), manure, Urea, KCL, TSP, fungiside (atonik), insectisides (Perfekthion 400 EC and furadan). The methods used to randomized block design ( RAK) which is repeated 4 times with 7 treatment. Etefon concentration is P1 = 25 ml .l-1, P2 = 50 ml .l-1, P3 = 60 ml .l-1, P4 = 75 ml .l-1, P5 = 100 ml .l-1, P6 = 120 ml .l-1, P7 = 0 ml .l-1 (without the etefon). The parameters of plant growth is lenght of the plant and amount of the leaves. The harvest parameters is the percentage ripening of fruit fruit, weight of the fruit, diameter of the fruit, length of the fruit, thickness of the fruit, tenderness of the fruit and the sweetness of the fruit (Brix). Observation with data analysis of variance to find out the real difference between the treatments tasted futher to compare between the treatments with the use duncan multiple range test (DMRT at the 5% level. The result showed that the granting of etefon concentration on fruit melons not significant with the weight of the fruit, diameter of fruit, lenght of the fruit and thickness of the fruit. Etefon concentration of 75 ml.l-1 accelerates the ripening melon fruit 100% at age 62 hst or 4 days after application is significant with the melon fruit without etefon who began the ripening at age 63 hst and reach linier increase at age 71 hst. Etefon concentration of 75 ml.l-1 not significant with the tenderness of fruit and sweetness of the fruit melon. Tenderness of the fruit which applicated etefon 75 was 8,40 kgf is lower than the tenderness of fruit which is not applied to etefon of 8,43 kgf. The granting of etefon concentration of 75 ml.l-1 increases of melon fruit 10,55 oBrix and the level sweetness of melon fruit is not applied etefon is 10.02 oBrix.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/FP/2014/248/051406076
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 631 Specific techniques; apparatus, equipment materials > 631.5 Cultivation and harvesting
Divisions: Fakultas Pertanian > Budidaya Pertanian
Depositing User: Hasbi
Date Deposited: 20 Oct 2014 10:29
Last Modified: 20 Oct 2021 06:12
URI: http://repository.ub.ac.id/id/eprint/129709
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