Perumusan Strategi Pemasaran PT. Asia Recycle Mandiri Berbasis 36 Stratagems Sun Tzu

Ellma, Evelynn Calyla (2018) Perumusan Strategi Pemasaran PT. Asia Recycle Mandiri Berbasis 36 Stratagems Sun Tzu. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


PT. Asia Recycle Mandiri merupakan anak perusahaan PT. Asia Cakra Ceria yang dikhususkan untuk daur ulang plastik yang sebelumnya memproduksi barang sesuai dengan order induk perusahaannya yang dipasarkan dengan merk Bambu. Pada tahun 2017, manajemen PT. Asia Recyle Mandiri memutuskan untuk menciptakan merk sendiri yaitu Arema, Jangkar, LOS ARM, Merang dan Eny yang dipasarkan secara mandiri di Kota Solo dan sekitarnya. Adanya keputusan tersebut dilakukan sebagai upaya untuk merambah segmen pasar yang lebih luas serta lebih terkonsentrasinya pemasaran plastik murni dan plastik daur ulang. Kendala yang terjadi adalah penurunan penjualan plastik merk Merang dibandingkan dengan saat mereka memasarkan produk tersebut dengan merk Bambu. Penelitian kali ini menggunakan IFE dan EFE Matrix dengan 5 Key Elements Sun Tzu sebagai alat pada input stage. Sedangkan pada matching stage akan digunakan diagram SWOT dan IE Matrix untuk mengetahui rekomendasi strategi dari posisi bersaing perusahaan. Selanjutnya, strategi yang paling sesuai dengan keadaan internal dan eksternal akan dipilih berdasarkan 36 Stratagems Sun Tzu yang sejalan dengan rekomendasi strategi pada tahap sebelumnya. Stratagems yang terpilih dapat dikembangkan sebagai basis dalam menyiasati keadaan yang ada. Dari hasil penelitian ini, diketahui terdapat beberapa internal dan external factor PT. Asia Recycle Mandiri menggunakan 5 Key Elements Sun Tzu. Pada IFE Matrix terdapat 21 key factors strength dan 11 key factors weakness sedangkan pada EFE Matrix terdapat 6 key factors opportunity dan 9 key factors threat. Analisis SWOT menunjukkan bahwa posisi bersaing perusahaan berada pada kuadran I yang mendukung strategi agresif sedangkan pada IE Matrix posisi bersaing perusahaan berada pada sel II yang mendukung strategi intensif dan integratif. Dari 36 Stratagems Sun Tzu, terdapat 10 stratagems yang sesuai dengan keadaan menguntungkan perusahaan. Pada tahap penentuan stratagem diketahui bahwa take opportunity to pilfer a goat adalah strategi yang terpilih dengan rating tertinggi. Rekomendasi pada penelitian ini dibuat dari pengembangan stratagem terpilih, yaitu membuat pusat budidaya tanaman sebagai pendukung terhadap terciptanya green factory dan membuat komunitas peduli lingkungan hidup yang dikelola mandiri oleh perusahaan..

English Abstract

PT. Asia Recycle Mandiri is a subsidiary company of PT. Asia Cakra Ceria which being specialized in plastic recycle that produces goods (marketed by Bambu brand) by the order of their parent company. In 2017, PT. Asia Recycle Mandiri’s management decided to create their own brands which are Arema, Jangkar, Los ARM, Merang and Eny which being marketed independently to Solo city and its surrounding cities. The decision was being done as an attempt to reach broader market segment and to concentrate the marketing of prime material plastic and recycled plastic. The obstacles that occured during the marketing is a sales result decline of Merang brand compared to their sales result when it was being marketed as Bambu. This study used IFE and EFE Matrix with 5 Key Elements by Sun Tzy as a tool in input stage. As for the matching stage, SWOT diagram and IE Matrix were used to find strategy recommendation by the competitive position of the company. Afterwards, the most suitable strategy for internal and external condition will be selected based on 36 Stratagems by Sun Tzu that is in accordance to the strategy recommendation from the previous step. Selected Stratagems will be developed as a base to get around the actual condition. According to the result of this research, known that there were some internal and external factors of PT. Asia Recycle Mandiri using 5 Key Elements by Sun Tzu. On IFE Matrix there were 21 strength key factor and 11 weakness key factors while on EFE Matrix there were 6 opportunity key factors and 9 threat key facors. SWOT analysis showed that company’s competitive position lied in 1st quadrant that supported agressive strategy while on IE Matrix company’s competitive position lied in 2nd cell that supported intensive and integrative strategy. From 36 Stratagems by Sun Tzu, there were 10 strategems which suitable to company’s favorable condition. In defining stratagem stage, known that take the opportunity to pilfer a goat was the selected stratagem that had the highest rating. Recommendation on this research was made from the development of selected stratagem which was creating a plant cultivation centre as a support for the creation of green factory and creating a living enviromental care community that being managed independently by the company.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/FT/2018/939/051809504
Uncontrolled Keywords: Daur Ulang Plastik, IE Matrix, PT. Asia Recycle Mandiri, Sun Tzu, SWOT, The Art of War, 36 Stratagems Sun Tzu. Plastic Recycle, IE Matrix, PT. Asia Recycle Mandiri, Sun Tzu, SWOT, The Art of War, 36 Stratagems by Sun Tzu
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 658 General management > 658.8 Managemet of marketing
Divisions: Fakultas Teknik > Teknik Industri
Depositing User: Budi Wahyono Wahyono
Date Deposited: 05 Nov 2018 06:37
Last Modified: 05 Nov 2018 06:37
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