Sistem Keamanan Kebakaran pada Gedung Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian Universitas Brawijaya Malang

Rohmah, Fisqiatur (2018) Sistem Keamanan Kebakaran pada Gedung Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian Universitas Brawijaya Malang. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Pembangunan gedung tinggi semakin pesat beriringan dengan struktur dan fungsi bangunan yang semakin kompleks, sehingga semakin lengkap sarana proteksi kebakaran yang dibutuhkan guna keselamatan pengguna bangunan. Beberapa gedung tinggi di Universitas Brawijaya belum menerapkan sistem proteksi kebakaran yang sesuai, seperti pada gedung Kantor Dekanat Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian. Gedung ini terdiri dari 9 lantai dan memiliki luas total 8886,33 m2. Gedung ini memiliki fungsi sebagai gedung kantor dekanat, pertemuan, perkuliahan, dan terdapat beberapa ruang laboratorium yang didalamnya terdapat peralatan yang dapat menyebabkan kebakaran. Besarnya kerugian yang ditimbulkan apabila terjadi kebakaran, sehingga dibutuhkan evaluasi sistem proteksi kebakaran pada bangunan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui nilai keandalan bangunan serta mengetahui solusi arsitektural yang dapat meningkatkan keandalan bangunan. Penelitian ini mengacu pada beberapa peraturan seperti standar pemeriksaan keselamatan kebakaran bangunan gedung Pd-T-1-2005-C, Permen PU No. 26/PRT/M/2008, dan beberapa Standar Nasional Indonesia (SNI). Metode yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kuantitatif dengan menjabarkan kondisi eksisting bangunan serta kesesuaiannya dengan peraturan dan memberikan penilaian. Tata cara penialaian mengacu pada standar pemeriksaan keselamatan kebakaran bangunan gedung Pd-T-1-2005-C sedangkan pembobotan kriteria menggunakan AHP (Analitycal Hierarchy Procces) dengan bantuan aplikasi Expert Choise. Hasil yang diperoleh bahwa tingkat keandalan bangunan termasuk dalam kategori “Kurang” dengan perolehan nilai 55,44 sehingga terdapat beberapa solusi yang diusulkan. Solusi arsitektural seperti hidran halaman, tangga darurat dan jalur sirkulasi pada lantai 2, desain tangga darurat, akses khusus pemadam berupa lif kebakaran, titik kumpul, penambahan sprinkler dan detektor, pengadaan siamese connection, penambahan APAR, pengendali asap, detektor asap, pembuangan asap, cahaya darurat, desain pintu darurat, penambahan fire shutter pada jendela dan perlindungan bukaan. Selain itu dilakukan pemeliharaan, pemeriksaan, pengujian secara berkala pada peralatan proteksi yang telah tersedia. Apabila rekomendasi tersebut diterapkan maka nilai keandalan bangunan akan meningkat menjadi 86,79 dalam kondisi “Baik”.

English Abstract

Construction of high level building is increasingly rapid along with complex structure and the function of buildings, because of it we need to consider the fire protection system facilities for the safety of building users. Several high level buildings in Brawijaya University haven't implement the correct or standard fire protection systems, such as Faculty of Agricultural Technology Office building. This building consists of 9 floors and total area of 8886.33 m2. This building has a function as an Office building, meetings, lectures, and there are several laboratory rooms, there are some equipment in the laboratory that can cause a fire. Based on these loss, we need to evaluate fire protection systems in the buildings. This study aims to determine the reliability of the building and to find architectural solutions that can improve building reliability. This study refers to several regulations such as fire safety inspection standards for the building of the Pd-T-1-2005-C building, the Ministry of Public Works No. 26 / PRT / M / 2008, and several Indonesian National Standards (SNI). The method that used in this research is quantitative descriptive by describing the existing condition of the building and its suitability with regulations and provide the score of the building. The procedure for the evaluation refers to the fire safety inspection standard of the Pd-T-1-2005-C building, to valuing the criteria scores uses AHP (Analitycal Hierarchy Procces) with the help of the Expert Choice application. The results obtained that the level of reliability of the building included in the category "deficient" with the acquisition value of 55.44 so that there are several proposed solutions. Architectural solutions such as yard hydrants, emergency stairs and circulation paths on the 2nd floor, emergency staircase design, special access to fire extinguishers in the form of fire lifts, gathering points, addition of sprinklers and detectors, procurement of siamese connections, addition of fire extinguishers, smoke controllers, smoke detectors, smoke disposal, emergency light, emergency door design, addition of fire shutter on the window and protection of openings. In addition, maintenance, inspection, and periodic testing of protective equipment is available. If the recommendation is applied, the reliability value of the building will increase to 86.79 "Good" conditions.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/FT/2018/980/051810577
Uncontrolled Keywords: Sistem proteksi kebakaran, bangunan tingkat tinggi, keandalan bangunan Fire protection systems, high-level buildings, building reliability
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 628 Sanitary engineering > 628.9 Other branches of sanitary and municipal engineering > 628.92 Fire safety and fire fighting technology > 628.922 Fire safety technology
Divisions: Fakultas Teknik > Arsitektur
Depositing User: Budi Wahyono Wahyono
Date Deposited: 12 Nov 2018 07:30
Last Modified: 12 Nov 2018 07:30
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