The Strategies Of Community Empowerment Through The Development Of Villages Infrastructures Based On Sustainability Development (A Study In The Dinas Cipta Karya At Pasuruan Regency)

Widiyanti, JauchaHabibah (2016) The Strategies Of Community Empowerment Through The Development Of Villages Infrastructures Based On Sustainability Development (A Study In The Dinas Cipta Karya At Pasuruan Regency). Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui upaya Dinas Cipta Karya terhadap pemberdayaan masyarakat melalui pembangunan infrastruktur perdesaan di Kabupaten Pasuruan. Hal tersebut disebabkan oleh rendahnya tingkat akses kebutuhan infrastruktur. Diharapkan dengan adanya pembinaan terhadap masyarakat desa, dapat tercipta pembangunan secara berkelanjutan. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, maka permasalahan yang muncul yaitu bagaimanakah strategi Dinas Cipta Karya dalam pemberdayaan masyarakat dan faktor-faktor apakah yang mendukung dan menghambat pemberdayaan masyarakat. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu terdeskripsikannya strategi pemberdayaan masayarakat dan terdeskripsikannya faktor-faktor yang mendukung dan menghambat pemberdayaan masyarakat. Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Fokus dalam penelitian ini meneliti strategi yang dilakukan oleh Dinas Cipta Karya Kabupaten Pasuruan, yaitu: 1) Strategi pemberdayaan masyarakat melalui pengembangan infrastruktur perdesaan berbasis sustainability development yang meliputi: a) Pemberian program, b) Sosialisasi kegiatan pemberdayaan masyarakat, c) Pemberian dana, d) Pelatihan tingkat masyarakat, e) Perubahan sosial masyarakat, f) Pemeliharaan secara berkelanjutan; dan 2) Faktor pendukung dan penghambat dalam strategi pemberdayaan masyarakat melalui pengembangan infrastruktur perdesaan berbasis sustainability development. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa strategi pemberdayaan masyarakat melalui pengembangan infrastruktur perdesaan dilaksanakan dengan pembinaan pada masyarakat. Adanya kegiatan pemberdayaan masyarakat tersebut dapat memperbaiki kondisi lingkungan perdesaan dan meningkatkan kualitas sumber daya manusia di perdesaan. Namun kegiatan tersebut tidak terlepas dari faktorfaktor pendukung yaitu keterlibatan Pemerintah Pusat, Pemerintah Kabupaten Pasuruan, ketersediaan sumber dana, adanya program pembangunan infrastruktur komitmen masyarakat, keadaan masyarakat yang kondusif, lingkungan kumuh, serta keberadaan pendamping masyarakat. Faktor-faktor penghambat yaitu rendahnya sumber daya manusia di perdesaan, kurangnya kesadaran masyarakat, komunikasi, kondisi alam dan material bahan bangunan. Saran yang dapat diberikan oleh penulis yaitu peningkatan kualitas sumber daya manusia dalam kegiatan pembangunan infrastruktur, pendekatan yang lebih intensif, membangun komunikasi dan koordinasi antar masyarakat dan Pemerintah, membuat skala prioritas kegiatan pembangunan infrastruktur perdesaan, dan adanya pemerataan pada kegiatan pembangunan infrastruktur di perdesaan

English Abstract

This research was done to figure out the endeavors of the Dinas Cipta Karya towards the community empowerment through the development of villages infrastructures at Pasuruan Regency. It was caused by low access level of infrastructure needs. Hopefully, this founding to village community will create a sustainable development. The problem based on this research are, how the Dinas Cipta Karya strategy in community empowerment is, and what factors that support and inhibit the community empowerment. The goals of this research are to describe the community empowerment strategy and also to describe the factors that support and inhibit the community empowerment. This research is using descriptive research with qualitative approach. The focus in this research is to examine the strategy of the Dinas Cipta Karya of Pasuruan Regency, the problems are: 1) The strategics of community empowerment through the development of villages infrastructure based on sustainability development that includes: a) Giving the programs, b) Socialization of community empowerment activities, c) Funding, d) Community training, e) Society changes, f) Sustainability maintenance; and 2) Supporting and inhibiting factors in the strategy of community empowerment through rural infrastructure development that is based on sustainability development. The result of this research shows that human empowerment strategy through infrastructure development is implemented with society establishment. With the existence of human empowerment, it can improve the village’s environment and also improve the human resources in the village. But, that actions can’t regardless from the supporting factors such as involvement from Central Government, the Government of Pasuruan Regency, the availability of financial resources, the societies commitment of infrastructure development, good state of society, the dirty areas, and also the society associate’s existence. On the other hand, the inhibiting factors are lack of human resources on the village, lack of society awareness, communication, and the bad geographic condition and construction materials. The suggestion that author’s can give are the quality improvement of human resources in infrastructure development, intensive approach to the community, to develop of communication and coordination between public and the Government, to make the priority list of village’s infrastructure development, and to prevail the infrastructure development in the village.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/FIA/2016/748/ 051609462
Subjects: 300 Social sciences > 351 Public administration
Divisions: Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi > Ilmu Administrasi Publik / Negara
Depositing User: Kustati
Date Deposited: 03 Oct 2016 10:39
Last Modified: 03 Oct 2016 10:39
Full text not available from this repository.

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