Pelaksanaan Transparansi Informasi Produk Bancassurance (Studi Pasal 4 Peraturan Bank Indonesia Nomor 7/6/PBI/2005 Tentang Transparansi Informasi Produk Bank dan Penggunaan Data Pribadi Nasabah di BNI

Kusumadewi, Anisa Retno (2014) Pelaksanaan Transparansi Informasi Produk Bancassurance (Studi Pasal 4 Peraturan Bank Indonesia Nomor 7/6/PBI/2005 Tentang Transparansi Informasi Produk Bank dan Penggunaan Data Pribadi Nasabah di BNI. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Transparansi dalam penyampaian informasi produk bancassurance kepada nasabah sangat penting untuk mencegah terjadinya kesalahpahaman yang mengakibatkan resiko hukum. Peraturan Bank Indonesia No 7/6/PBI/2005 mengatur mengenai penyampaian informasi secara transparan yang harus dilakukan pihak tenaga pemasar produk kepada nasabah. Pada praktik yang terdapat di lapangan, hal itu tidak selalu disampaikan kepada nasabah. Perumusan masalah dari penelitian ini yaitu: Bagaimana pelaksanaan transparansi infomasi produk bancassurance sesuai pasal 4 PBI No. 7/6/PBI/2005 tentang Transparansi Informasi Produk Bank dan Penggunaaan Data Pribadi Nasabah di BNI Life dan Apa faktor pendukung dan penghambat dalam pelaksanaan transparansi infomasi pada produk bancassurance di BNI Life. Metode pendekatan yang dipakai adalah yuridis sosiologis karena melihat dan meneliti mengenai pelaksanaan pasal 4 Peraturan Bank Indonesia Nomor 7/6/PBI/205 dan pelaksanaannya di BNI Life Insurance Jakarta. Data yang didapatkan dianalisis secara deskriptif kualitatif dengan menggunakan sumber data primer yang didapat langsung dari lapangan dan sumber data sekunder sebagai pendukungnya. Lokasi penelitian adalah BNI Life Insurance di BNI Life Tower The Landmark Center, Jalan Jend. Sudirman Jakarta. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, penulis memperoleh jawaban atas permasalahan yang ada bahwa Pelaksanaan Transparansi produk bancassurance di BNI Life Insurance Jakarta belum sesuai dengan Peraturan Bank Indonesia Nomor 6/7/PBI/2005 khususnya pada pasal 4 dan 5. Transparansi informasi mengenai produk bank sangat diperlukan untuk memberikan kejelasan pada nasabah mengenai karakteristik di produk tersebut.Informasi yang belum disampaikan secara transparan kepada nasabah mencakup manfaat dan fitur yang ditawarkan, serta risiko dari produk bancassurance di BNI Life.Masalah yang ditemui di lapangan adalah kurangnya ketersediaan informasi secara tertulis oleh BNI Life untuk nasabah. Sebagian besar nasabah mencari informasi lewat brosur, sedangkan informasi mengenai bancassurance ini banyak ditemui lewat website. Penghambat dalam pelaksanaan transparansi informasi bancassurance di BNI Life diantaranya kurangnya pemahaman informasi yang diterima nasabah, adanya unsur penipuan dalam pengisian data SPA (Surat Permintaan Asuransi), ketidakjujuran dari agen asuransi, dan pelanggaran atas prinsip utmost good faith. Sedangkan pendukung pelaksanaan transparansi informasi bancassurance di lapangan diantaranya agen asuransi yang cermat dalam menjual produk dan melayani kebutuhan nasabah, sistem distribusi, strategi memanfaatkan nama baik perusahaan,dan memberikan keuntungan bagi banyak pihak khususnya nasabah, bank dan perusahaan asuransi itu sendiri.

English Abstract

Transparency information in bancassurance products to customers very important to prevent a misconception resulting in risk of law. The Bank Indonesia Regulation No. 7/2/PBI/2005 governing the submission of information should be done transparently by the marketers of products to customers. In fact, it is not always communicated to the customer. The formulation of the research problems are: How the implementation of the transparency information of bancassurance products in accordance with article 4 PBI No. 7/3/PBI/2005 regarding the transparency of the information products of the Bank and customer Personal Data in BNI Life and what factors supporting and restricting the transparency implementation of the information of bancassurance products in BNI Life. Approach method used is the juridical sociological as it sees and examines on the implementation of article 4 of the regulations of Bank Indonesia Number 7/6/PBI/205 and its implementation in BNI Life Insurance, Jakarta. The Data obtained were analyzed by qualitative descriptive from primary data sources by using obtained directly from the field and secondary data source as supporters. Location of research is the BNI Life Insurance in BNI Life Tower The Landmark Center, Jend. Sudirman Street, Jakarta. Based on the results of the research, the author answers to existing problems that the implementation of the transparency information of bancassurance products on BNI Life Insurance, Jakarta has not been in accordance with the Bank Indonesia Regulation number 6/7/PBI/2005 about Transparency on Bank product information and use of the Personal Data of the customer in particular on articles 4 and 5. Transparency of information about bank products is very necessary to provide clarity to customers on a variety of characteristics present in the product . The information has not been presented in a transparent manner to customers include benefits and features offered , and the risk of bancassurance products in BNI Life . Obstacles in the implementation of information transparency BNI Life Bancassurance in such a lack of understanding of information received by the customer , the presence of elements of fraud in the data entry SPA ( Insurance Demand Letter ) , dishonesty of insurance agents , claims payment issues and violation of the principle of utmost good faith . While supporting factors in exercising their bancassurance Jakarta BNI Life Insurance including insurance agents careful in selling products and serving the needs of customers , distribution systems , strategy memnafaatkan companys good name , and provide benefits for many stakeholders , especially customers , banks and insurance companies themselves . Obstacle factors in the implementation of information transparency BNI Life Bancassurance in such a lack of understanding of information received by the customer , the presence of elements of fraud in the data entry SPA ( Insurance Demand Letter ) , dishonesty of insurance agents , claims payment issues and violation of the principle of utmost good faith . Supporting factors in exercising their bancassurance BNI Life Insurance Jakarta including insurance agents careful in selling products and serving the needs of customers , distribution systems , strategy memnafaatkan companys good name , and provide benefits for many stakeholders , especially customers , banks and insurance companies themselves .

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/FH/2014/99/051402358
Subjects: 300 Social sciences > 340 Law
Divisions: Fakultas Hukum > Ilmu Hukum
Depositing User: Budi Wahyono Wahyono
Date Deposited: 15 Apr 2014 13:14
Last Modified: 26 Apr 2022 06:14
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