Kesesuaian Aturan Multilateral Agreement On Trade In Goods Wto Dengan Atiga (Asean Trade In Goods Agreement)”,

Dinasari, Desy (2014) Kesesuaian Aturan Multilateral Agreement On Trade In Goods Wto Dengan Atiga (Asean Trade In Goods Agreement)”,. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Pada skripsi ini, penulis mengangkat permasalahan Kesesuaian Aturan Multilateral Agreement on Trade in Goods dengan ATIGA (ASEAN Trade in Goods Agreement) lebih spesifiknya yaitu aturan mengenai Rules of Origin. Pilihan tema tersebut dilatar belakangi oleh adanya ASEAN Economic Community pada tahun 2015, untuk mewujudkan ASEAN Economic Community pada tahun 2015, seluruh negara ASEAN harus melakukan liberalisasi perdagangan barang. Rules of Origin merupakan peraturan yang diterapkan oleh masing-masing negara dalam menentukan negara asal barang, Rules of Origin merupakan komponen untuk melakukan perdagangan barang meliputi pemberian tarif preferensi atau tarif non-preferensi, baik dalam lingkup besar yaitu World Trade Organization (WTO) dan dalam lingkup regional (ASEAN). Dalam hal ini penulis melakukan perbandingan terhadap Rules of Origin yang berada pada World Trade Organization (WTO) dan Rules of Origin yang berada pada skema ASEAN Trade in Goods Agreement (ATIGA). Berdasarkan hal tersebut diatas, karya tulis ini mengangkat rumusan masalah : (1) Apakah Rules of Origin dalam ATIGA sesuai dengan aturan Rules of Origin Multilateral Agreement on Trade in Goods dalam Annex 1A dari Piagam WTO? (2) Bagaimanakah implikasi yuridis ASEAN Single Window yang merupakan reformasi berkelanjutan atas Ketentuan Asal Barang (Rules of Origin) dalam ATIGA pada negara anggota ASEAN yang juga negara anggota WTO? Kemudian penulisan karya tulis ini menggunakan metode yuridis normatif dengan metode pendekatan perundang-undangan (statute approach). Bahan hukum primer dan sekunder yang diperoleh penulis akan dianalisis dengan menggunakan metode konten intrepetasi komparatif yaitu suatu penafsiran dengan jalan membandingkan suatu perjanjian-perjanjian internasional dan peraturan perundang-undangan, yang dijadikan rujukan dalam menyelesaikan permasalahan hukum yang menjadi objek kajian. Dari hasil penelitian dengan metode diatas, penulis memperoleh jawaban atas permasalahan yang ada bahwa Rules of Origin WTO sesuai dengan Rules of Origin ATIGA dimana keseuaian terdapat pada tujuan non-preferensi Rules of Origin sementara ketidaksesuaian terlihat pada tujuan preferensi Rules of Origin.Dan dalam permasalahan kedua penulis memperoleh jawaban bahwa implikasi yuridis Rules of Origin pada Indonesia terletak pada dua perundang-undangan dan penerapan dari ASEAN Single Window pada Indonesia telah menerapkan Indonesia Single Window yang berguna untuk kelancaran perdagangan ekspor impor.

English Abstract

In this minor-thesis, the writer choice the problem about legal comparison between the rules of Multilateral Agreement on Trade in Goods with ATIGA (asean trade in goods agreement). More specifically is the rules about Rules of Origin. The choosen theme has backgrounded by the realization of Asean Economic Community in 2015, to manifest Asean Economic Community in 2015, all of asean countries must do the liberalization on their trade in goods. Rules of origin is a set of rules which are applied by each countries to decide the origin country of the goods. Rules of origin is a set of component to fulfill the trade in goods including giving the tariff preferences or non-tariff preferences, either in the great scoope which is world trade organization (WTO) or in the regional scoope (ASEAN). In this problem, the writer is trying to do a comparison between rules of origin by WTO and rules of origin by ATIGA. Based on the problems above, this minor-thesis rise up the problem formulations which talk about: (1) does ATIGA’s rules of origin match with annex 1a’s rules of origin Multilateral Agreement on Trade in Goods which has written in the charter of WTO? (2) what is the juridical implications of Asean Single Window which is a part of sustainable reformation of Rules of Origin in ATIGA to the member countries of ASEAN which are also the member of WTO? This minor-thesis use juridical normatif methode with statute approach methode. The primer and secondary law materials which has treieved by the writer will be analysed using comparative intrepetation context methode which is a way of interpretation by comparing the international agreement and the laws and regulations which has been a reference to solve the law issue which has choosen to be the object of the problem. From the research used the choosen methode, the writer has achieved the answer of the problem that Rules of Origin ATIGA similar with Rules of Origin WTO, he similarities seen in the aims of non-preferences of rules of origin while the differences seen on the aims of preferences of rules of origin. On the second problem, the writer has found out that the juridical implacations of rules of origin to indonesia lies on 2 legislations and the application of Asean Single Window in Indonesia is the application of Indonesia Single Window which is useful to the activies of export and import by Indonesia.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/FH/2014/162/051403856
Subjects: 300 Social sciences > 340 Law
Divisions: Fakultas Hukum > Ilmu Hukum
Depositing User: Budi Wahyono Wahyono
Date Deposited: 25 Jul 2014 13:37
Last Modified: 20 Apr 2022 02:00
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