Populasi Kumbang Penyerbuk Kelapa Sawit, Elaeidobius Kamerunicus Pada Umur Tanaman Berbeda

Utami, Ika Putri (2018) Populasi Kumbang Penyerbuk Kelapa Sawit, Elaeidobius Kamerunicus Pada Umur Tanaman Berbeda. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Kelapa sawit merupakan tanaman berumah satu yaitu bunga jantan dan bunga betina kelapa sawit dihasilkan dalam satu pohon. Akan tetapi, pematangan bunga jantan dan betina terjadi pada waktu yang berbeda. Hal ini menyebabkan penyerbukan berlangsung secara silang. Penyerbukan terjadi saat bunga betina mekar dan mengeluarkan aroma sebagai penarik penyerbuk. Peningkatan produktivitas kelapa sawit di Indonesia tidak terlepas dari peran serangga penyerbuk kelapa sawitElaeidobius kamerunicus. Seiring dengan perkembangannya, terjadi permasalahan penurunan berat tandan dan fruit set. Pada saat populasiE. kamerunicus tinggi, maka diduga fruit set juga tinggi. Tingkat keberhasilan penyerbukan oleh E. kamerunicus perlu diperhatikan dengan mengetahui persentase populasi E. kamerunicus yang mengunjungi bunga betina. PopulasiE. kamerunicus juga dipengaruhi oleh umur tanaman kelapa sawit. Selain itu, semakin tua umur tanaman kelapa sawit maka produktivitas tanaman akan menurun. Informasi terkait populasi E. kamerunicus pada bunga jantan dan populasi E. kamerunicusyang mengunjungi bunga betina pada berbagai umur belum banyak dilaporkan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui populasi E. kamerunicus pada bunga jantan dan bunga betina pada berbagai umur tanaman kelapa sawit. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode survei pada perkebunan kelapa sawit milik PT. Astra Agro Lestari, Kalimantan Tengah. Kriteria lokasi dan plot pengamatan yang digunakan adalah perkebunan kelapa sawit yang telah menghasilkan. Plot pengamatan berupa lahan kelapa sawit berjumlah 100 pohon (10 pohon x 10 pohon) dengan umur berbeda yaitu 6, 10, dan 16 tahun. Sebagai ulangan, di tentukan tiga plot pengamatan pada setiap umur kelapa sawit. Pengamatan populasiE. kamerunicus dilakukan sebulan sekali selama tiga bulan. Penghitungan populasi dilakukan pada bunga jantan dan bunga betina mekaryang terdapat dalam plot pengamatan. Populasi E. kamerunicus yang diperoleh dibedakan berdasarkan jenis kelamin yaituE. kamerunicus jantan dan betina. Setelah itu juga dilakukan perhitungan untuk membandingkan populasi E. kamerunicus pada bunga jantan dan bunga betina. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa umur tanaman kelapa sawit berpengaruh terhadap populasiE. kamerunicus pada bunga jantan, tetapi tidak berpengaruh terhadap populasi E. kamerunicuspada bunga betina. Pada bunga jantan populasi tertinggi pada umur 16 tahun yaitu 14.200 individu sedangkan terendah pada umur 6 tahun yaitu 4694 individu. Hal ini karena semakin tua umur tanaman maka jumlah spikelet pada bunga jantan semakin tinggi sehingga mempengaruhi populasi E. kamerunicus. Rasio jenis kelamin E. kamerunicus pada bunga jantan yaitu jantan: betina =1:3, sedangkan pada bunga betina yaitu 1:2. Dalam hal persentase populasi E. kamerunicus pada bunga betina diperoleh hasil bahwa semakin tua umur tanaman kelapa sawit maka persentase populasi E. kamerunicus semakin rendah. Hal ini menjadi salah satu faktor produktivitas kelapa sawit menurun seiring dengan semakin tua umur tanaman kelapa sawit.

English Abstract

The oil palm is one of monoceous plant. In single tree of oil palm consist of male and female flowers. However, the maturation of male and female flower occured at different time, as consequent it cause the oil palm have crossing pollination. Pollination occurs when the female flowers are receptive and take out the aroma as volatile compound to attracting pollinators. Productivity of oil palm in Indonesia related to the role pollinators in the oil palm Elaeidobius kamerunicus. Along with development, the decrease of bunches weigh and fruit set were occured. When the population of E. kamerunicus was high, the fruit set is also high. The success rate of pollination by E. kamerunicusmust be observed to know about percetage of E. kamerunicuspopulation that visiting the female flowers. The population of E. kamerunicus was also influenced by the age of oil palm plant. In addition, the older of oil palm plant caused the decrease of oil palm productivity. The information about population of E. kamerunicuson male flowers and population that visited the female flowers at different age is lacking. The aim of this research was study the population of E. kamerunicuson male and female flowers at different age of oil palm plant. This research was conducted with survey method on oil palm plantation owned by PT. Astra Agro Lestari in Central Kalimantan. The criteria of location and plot observation was oil palm plantation that have produced. Plot of observation was oil palm plantation consist of 100 trees (10 trees x 10 trees) with different age i.e. 6, 10 and 16 years. Three observation plot were selected for each age of oil palm plant as replication. The observation of E. kamerunicus population was done once a month during three month. The counting of E. kamerunicus population was done on male and female anthesis flowers in plot observation. Population of E. kamerunicusobtained from observation was determined the sex between male and female. In addition, also observation of the number of E. kamerunicuswas also done on male and female flowers. The result of research showed that the age of oil palm plant affected to E. kamerunicuspopulation at male flowers, but did not affect to E. kamerunicus population at female flowers. On male flowers the highest population at the age 16 years i.e. 14,200 individuals while the lowest population at the age 6 years i.e. 4694 individuals. This is due to the older age of plant have a higher number of spikelet, so affect the population of E. kamerunicus. Male and female sex ratio of E. kamerunicuson male flowers were 1:3, whereas in female flowers were 1:2. The percentage of E. kamerunicuspopulation on female flowers showed that the older age of oil palm plant caused the lower percentage of E. kamerunicus population. This is as one of important factors that effect on decreasing of oil palm productivity.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/FP/2018/7/051801492
Uncontrolled Keywords: -
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 632 Plant injuries, diseases, pests > 632.7 Insect pests > 632.76 Beetles, Coleoptera
Divisions: Fakultas Pertanian > Hama dan Penyakit Tanaman
Depositing User: Nur Cholis
Date Deposited: 23 May 2018 02:45
Last Modified: 19 Oct 2021 23:07
URI: http://repository.ub.ac.id/id/eprint/10899
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