The Effect of NET PROFIT MARGIN (NPM), RETURN ON ASSETS (ROA), and EARNING PER SHARE (EPS) on Stock Prices on Real Estate and Property Companies Listed on IDX Period 2011-2013

Putranto, Lucky (2014) The Effect of NET PROFIT MARGIN (NPM), RETURN ON ASSETS (ROA), and EARNING PER SHARE (EPS) on Stock Prices on Real Estate and Property Companies Listed on IDX Period 2011-2013. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh Return on Assets (ROA), Net Profit Margin (NPM) dan Earning Per Share (EPS) dari harga perusahaan dalam Real Estate dan Properti BEI beredar pada periode 2011-2013, real Perusahaan estate dan properti dianggap menarik karena banyak menganggap bahwa sektor ini menjanjikan bagi investor Penelitian ini menggunakan data sekunder. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode purposive sampling. Untuk mendapatkan sampel yang representatif sesuai dengan kriteria yang telah ditentukan. Jumlah sampel yang diperoleh adalah 10 real dan properti perusahaan yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia selama periode 2011 sampai 2013 analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis regresi panel untuk menguji asumsi klasik uji normalitas, uji multikolinearitas, uji heterokedastisitas, dan uji autokorelasi. Sementara pengujian hipotesis dilakukan dengan menggunakan uji F dan uji T Analisis regresi menunjukkan bahwa Net Profit Margin (NPM) dan efek negatif signifikan terhadap harga saham real estate dan properti, Earning Per Share (EPS) dan pengaruh positif yang signifikan terhadap harga saham real estate dan properti sementara Return on Assets (ROA ) dan efek positif tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap harga saham real estate dan properti. Ulasan Hasil ini menjelaskan sumbangan atau kontribusi variabel independen (NPM, ROA, dan EPS) termasuk dalam persamaan regresi untuk harga, sama dengan 66.5%, sedangkan 33,5% adalah Kontribusi dari variabel lain yang tidak termasuk dalam persamaan ini.

English Abstract

This study was to examine the effect of Return on Assets (ROA), Net Profit Margin (NPM) and Earning Per Share (EPS) of the companys price in the Real Estate and Property IDX outstanding in the period 2011 to 2013, the Companys real estate and property considered attractive because many assume that this promising sector for investors This research using secondary data. This study was conducted with a purposive sampling method. To obtain a representative sample in accordance with predetermined criteria. The number of samples obtained are 10 real estate and property companies listed on the Indonesian stock exchange during the period of 2011 through 2013 Data analysis used is multiple linear regression analysis to test the classical assumption of normality test, multicollinearity test, test heterocedasticity, and the autocorrelation test. While hypothesis testing was performed using the F test and T test Regression analysis showed that the Net Profit Margin (NPM) and a significant negative effect on stock prices of real estate and property, Earning Per Share (EPS) and a significant positive effect on stock prices of real estate and property while Return on Assets (ROA) and the positive effect no significant effect on stock prices of real estate and property. Reviews These results explain the donation or contribution of the independent variables (NPM, ROA, and EPS) are included in the regression equation to price, is equal to 66.5%, while 33.5% was Contributed by other variables not included in this equation.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/FE/2014/443/051407725
Subjects: 300 Social sciences > 330 Economics
Divisions: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis > Ilmu Ekonomi
Depositing User: Hasbi
Date Deposited: 20 Nov 2014 14:12
Last Modified: 29 Nov 2021 02:37
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