Analisis Bullwhip Effect Distributor dan Retailer pada Produk Sayuran Non Organik di CV. Rodeo Fresh

Fikriya, Dini Maulida (2017) Analisis Bullwhip Effect Distributor dan Retailer pada Produk Sayuran Non Organik di CV. Rodeo Fresh. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


CV. Rodeo Fresh merupakan perusahaan distributor sayuran dan buah. Perusahaan ini memiliki order terbanyak pada item sayuran non organik, yaitu kangkung akar ikat, bayam hijau, bayam merah, dan caisim. Untuk penjualannya, perusahaan ini memiliki 13 retailer yang tersebar di kota-kota besar di Jawa Timur. Sedangkan perusahaan ini memiliki satu supplier petani sayuran non organik. Koordinasi informasi yang kurang baik antara perusahaan dan retailer membuat informasi tidak tersampaikan dengan baik, sehingga hal tersebut menimbulkan distorsi informasi yang berakibat pada bullwhip effect. Penelitian dimulai dengan mengumpulkan data demand dan order tingkat retailer dan distributor pada tahun 2014-2016. pada identifikasi bullwhip effect tingkat distributor, meliputi tiap produk pada distributor (BE1) dan tiap echelon (BE2). Sedangkan untuk identifikasi bullwhip effect tingkat retailer meliputi tiap produk tiap retailer (BE1), tiap produk agregasi retailer (BE2), tiap retailer agregasi produk (BE3), dan tiap echelon (BE4). Berdasarkan hasil identifikasi nilai bullwhip effect dilakukan analisis penyebabnya menggunakan fishbone diagram. Setelah itu diberikan saran terhadap rekomendasi perbaikan dengan memperjelas aliran informasi baik dari hulu ke hilir maupun dari hilir ke hulu. Selain itu juga melakukan informasi dari hilir ke hulu setidaknya sebulan sebelum pengiriman dan melakukan survey pasar.

English Abstract

CV. Rodeo Fresh is a distributor of vegetables and fruits. It has the most orders on nonorganic vegetable items involve green spinach, red spinach, and Chinese cabbage. This company has 13 retailers along East Java. This company has a non-organic vegetable farmer suppliers. A poor information sharing between companies and retailers caused the information does not delivered properly. This condition trigger distortion of information that impact on bullwhip effect. This research started by collecting data of demand and order on retailers and distributor level in 2014-2016. The identification of the bullwhip effect for distributor level is covering each products on the distributor (BE1) and each echelon (BE2). As for the identification of the bullwhip effect on retailer level covering each product for each retailer (BE1), each product on aggregation of retailers (BE2), each retailer on aggregation of products (BE3), and each echelon (BE4). Based on identification of bullwhip effect value, it would be analysed by using fishbone diagram. This result of analysis would be recommendation for improvement. The identification results of bullwhip effect on each level distributor shows BE1 and BE2 has the values of more than 1. This is caused by poor information sharing when the sale is coming and seasonal factors involve Eid, Eid al-Adha, Christmas and New Year which makes the demand rises, but the forecast of retailers can not represent the end customer demand, resulting in additional orders. With the addition of this order makes the farmers who is upstream supplier does not ready, because the additional order would be done less than the planting period. Identification of bullwhip effect for retailer level shows that BE1, BE2, and BE 4 value less than 1, but BE3 shows more than 1. This is caused by retailer forecast which is smoother than end costumer, so this condition does not representative of end customer demand patterns. In addition, the promotion is not included in the retailer forecast. Recommendations suggested for improvements is to improve information both of downstream to upstream and upstream to downstream. Beside of that, information sharing should be held at least a month before delivered and take action to market survey.

Other obstract


Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/FT/2017/911/051708754
Uncontrolled Keywords: Supply chain, Bullwhip effect, information sharing, distributor, retailer.
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 620 Engineering and allied operations
Divisions: Fakultas Teknik > Teknik Industri
Depositing User: Budi Wahyono Wahyono
Date Deposited: 18 Sep 2017 02:37
Last Modified: 25 Nov 2021 06:24
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