:Analisis Seismik Atribut Amplitudo RMS (Root Mean Square) untuk Karakterisasi Reservoir (Studi Kasus: Area “O”, Cekungan Jawa Tengah Utara)

Oceany, Olivinintya Nur (2020) :Analisis Seismik Atribut Amplitudo RMS (Root Mean Square) untuk Karakterisasi Reservoir (Studi Kasus: Area “O”, Cekungan Jawa Tengah Utara). Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Karakterisasi reservoir dalam penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode seismik atribut amplitudo RMS (Root Mean Square) pada formasi Upper Cibulakan, formasi Baturaja, dan formasi Talang Akar. Cekugan Jawa Tengah Utara memiliki reservoir utama berupa batupasir pada formasi Upper Cibulakan, dan Talang Akar serta batuan karbonat pada formasi Baturaja. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan pengolahan dan analisis data seismik dan data sumur dimana data seismik yang tersedia adalah data seismik 2D dengan jumlah 32 line dan dilengkapi dengan 4 buah data sumur. Berdasarkan analisis seismik yang telah dilakukan, dapat disimpulkan bahwa atribut RMS (Root Mean Square) dapat menunjukkan zona reservoir maupun non-reservoir Area “O” serta mengetahui lingkungan pengendapan yang terbentuk pada formasi target. Daerah reservoir prospek ditunjukkan oleh hasil analisis distribusi reservoir dari perbandingan nilai atribut seismik ampitudo dan ketebalan zona reservoir. Berdasarkan analisis dan hasil validasi menggunakan log gamma ray didapatkan bahwa ketebalan reservoir daerah prospek sebesar 110 m pada formasi Upper Cibulakan, 120 m pada formasi Baturaja, dan 55 m pada formasi Talang Akar yang ditunjukkan oleh tingginya nilai atribut amplitudo pada data sumur.

English Abstract

Reservoir characterization in this research was carried out using the seismic method of RMS (Root Mean Square) amplitude attributes in the Upper Cibulakan formation, Baturaja formation, and Talang Akar formation. North Serayu Basin has the main reservoir such as sandstone in the Upper Cibulakan formation, and Talang Akar and carbonate rocks in the Baturaja formation. This research was conducted by processing and analyzing seismic data and well data where is the availability of seismic data is 2D seismic data with 32 lines and equipped with 4 well data. Based on the seismic analysis that has been done, it can be concluded that the RMS (Root Mean Square) attribute can indicate reservoir zone and non-reservoir "O" Area as well as knowing the depositional environment formed in the target formation. The prospect reservoir area is shown by the results of the reservoir distribution analysis from the comparison of the seismic attribute values of the amplitude and thickness of the reservoir zone. Based on the analysis and results of validation using gamma ray logs, it was found that the reservoir thickness of the prospect area was 110 m in the Upper Cibulakan formation, 120 m in the Baturaja formation, and 55 m in the Talang Akar formation as indicated by the high value of the amplitude attribute in the well data.

Other obstract


Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: 0520090201
Uncontrolled Keywords: Amplitudo, Karakterisasi Reservoir, RMS (Root Mean Square), Seismik Atribut.
Subjects: 500 Natural sciences and mathematics > 534 Sound and related vibrations > 534.3 Characteristics of sound
Divisions: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam > Fisika
Depositing User: ismanto
Date Deposited: 13 Feb 2021 10:52
Last Modified: 11 Apr 2023 01:33
URI: http://repository.ub.ac.id/id/eprint/183062
0520090201- Olivinintya Nur Oceany.pdf
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