Analisis Stabilitas Transien Pada Sistem Jawa-Madura-Bali 500 (JAMALI) kV Setelah Masuknya Generator Baru Grati

Widyatama, Anargya (2019) Analisis Stabilitas Transien Pada Sistem Jawa-Madura-Bali 500 (JAMALI) kV Setelah Masuknya Generator Baru Grati. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Dengan kebutuhan daya listrik yang meningkat setiap tahunnya khususnya di pulau jawa, pemerintah melalui PT. PLN (Persero) merencananakan pengembangan kapasitas dan energi listrik guna mengatasi meningkatnya kebutuhan tersebut. Sehingga Sistem kelistrikan di Jawa-Bali menambahkan tiga generator baru di Grati. Generator baru yang ditambahkan berjumlah tiga unit dengan masing-masing dua unit gas-turbine generator berkapasitas 207 MVA dan satu unit steam-turbine generator berkapasitas 248,75 MVA. Dengan adanya tiga generator baru tersebut maka perlu dilakukan analisis ulang terhadap kinerja sistem secara keseluruhan. Analisis stabilitas transien akan dilakukan dalam kondisi beban puncak dan beban sasar. Dari hasil simulasi stabilitas transien menggunakan software ETAP 12.6, menunjukkan bahwa untuk kondisi beban puncak dan beban dasar pada kasus lepasnya generator lepas, beban lepas, lepasnya satu saluran, lepasnya dua saluran dan hubung singkat tiga fasa pada saluran transmisi selama 150 milidetik tidak menyebabkan sistem lepas sinkron. Karena pada kasus generator lepas, daya supply yang hilang hanya sebesar 4,71% pada kondisi beban puncak dan 6,69% pada beban dasar dari daya pembangkitan. Sedangkan untuk kasus lepasnya satu saluran dan dua saluran dapat di-backup oleh sistem interkoneksi. Pada kasus gangguan hubung singkat tiga fasa pada saluran transmisi selama 150 milidetik pada kondisi beban puncak dan beban dasar, hasil respon sudut rotor, frekuensi dan tegangan menunjukkan sistem tetap stabil. Namun Pada kondisi beban puncak terjadi drop tegangan sampai 104,632 kV dan pada beban dasar terjadi drop tegangan sampai 114,479 kV. Waktu pemutusan kritis pada kondisi beban puncak lebih cepat jika dibandingkan dengan pada kondisi beban dasar.

English Abstract

With the existence of the new generator, it is necessary to re-analyze the overall system performance. Transient stability analysis will be carried out under peak load and target loads. From the simulation results of transient stability using ETAP 12.6 software, it shows that for peak load conditions and base loads in the case of tripping of the largest generator, load shedding, double circuit tripping of the interconnection transmission line, single circuit tripping of the interconnection transmission line, and three phase short circuit on the 150 millisecond transmission line does not cause the system to out of step. Because in the case of the loose generator, the supply power lost is only 4.71% in peak load conditions and 6.69% in the base load from generation power. As for the case of the release of one channel and two channels, it can be backed up by an interconnection system. In the case of three-phase short circuit interference for the150-millisecond transmission line under peak and baseload conditions, the results of the rotor angle response, frequency, and voltage indicate the system remains stable. However, at peak load conditions a voltage drop of up to 104,632 kV occurs and at the base load, there is a voltage drop of 114,479 kV. Critical clearing times at peak load conditions are faster when compared to base load conditions

Other obstract


Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/FT/2019/458/051905054
Uncontrolled Keywords: Stabilitas transien, sudut rotor generator, frekuensi, tegangan, Jawa-Madura-Bali 500 kV SUMMARY Anargya Widyatama, Department Of Electrical Engineering, Faculty Of Engineering University of Brawijaya, April 2018, Transient Stability Analysis of 500 kV Jawa-Madura-Bali’s System After The Addition Of The Grati’s New Generator, Academic Supervisor: Hadi Suyono and Mahfudz Shidiq. With electricity power requirements increasing every year, especially on the island of Java, the government through PT. PLN (Persero) plans to develop electricity capacity and energy to overcome these increasing needs. So that the electricity system in Java-Bali adds three new generators at Grati. The new generators added were three units with each of the two gas-turbine units with 207 MVA capacity and one steam-turbine generator with 248.75 MVA capacity. With the existence of the new generator, it is necessary to re-analyze the overall system performance. Transient stability analysis will be carried out under peak load and target loads. From the simulation results of transient stability using ETAP 12.6 software, it shows that for peak load conditions and base loads in the case of tripping of the largest generator, load shedding, double circuit tripping of the interconnection transmission line, single circuit tripping of the interconnection transmission line, and three phase short circuit on the 150 millisecond transmission line does not cause the system to out of step. Because in the case of the loose generator, the supply power lost is only 4.71% in peak load conditions and 6.69% in the base load from generation power. As for the case of the release of one channel and two channels, it can be backed up by an interconnection system. In the case of three-phase short circuit interference for the150-millisecond transmission line under peak and baseload conditions, the results of the rotor angle response, frequency, and voltage indicate the system remains stable. However, at peak load conditions a voltage drop of up to 104,632 kV occurs and at the base load, there is a voltage drop of 114,479 kV. Critical clearing times at peak load conditions are faster when compared to base load conditions. Keywords: Transient Stability, generator rotor angle, frequency, voltage, Jawa-Madura-Bali 500 kV, Transient Stability, generator rotor angle, frequency, voltage, Jawa-Madura-Bali 500 kV
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 621 Applied physics > 621.3 Electrical, magnetic, optical, communications, computer engineering; electronics, lighting > 621.31 Generations, modification, storage, transmission of electric power > 621.310 4 Special topics of generation, modification, satorage, transmission of electric power
Divisions: Fakultas Teknik > Teknik Elektro
Depositing User: Budi Wahyono Wahyono
Date Deposited: 26 Aug 2020 04:24
Last Modified: 26 Aug 2020 04:24
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