Pengaruh Pemberian Vaksin Molekul Adhesin 49,8 Kda Sub Unit Pili Shigella Flexneri Terhadap Jumlah Koloni Vibrio Cholerae Pada Usus Mencit Model Diare Vibrio Cholera

Aditya, Rafif Ulya (2019) Pengaruh Pemberian Vaksin Molekul Adhesin 49,8 Kda Sub Unit Pili Shigella Flexneri Terhadap Jumlah Koloni Vibrio Cholerae Pada Usus Mencit Model Diare Vibrio Cholera. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Imunisasi pada diare sudah berkembang dengan ditemukannya molekul adhesin Shigella dysentriae dengan berat molekul adhesin 49.8 kDa dan molekul adhesin 7.9 kDa yang mempunyai reaksi silang antara keduanya. Ditemukan pula molekul adhesin sebesar 37,8 pada Vibrio cholare yang protektif terhadap diare. Reaksi silang molekul 7,9 kDa dan 49,8 kDa pada Shigella flexneri berpeluang pula memiliki reaksi silang dengan molekul 37.8 kDa Vibrio cholerae karena sifat dan bahan dasar yang sama sehingga berpeluang menciptakan vaksin homolog antara keduanya. Terdapat perlakuan pada sampel, yaitu kontrol positif (infeksi Vibrio cholerae), kontrol imunisasi dengan molekul adhesi 49.8 kDa Shigella flexneri dan kelompok perlakuan imunisasi molekul adhesi 37.8 kDa Vibrio cholerae. Berdasarkan hasil analisis Kruskal Wallis dan uji post hoc Mann-Whitney terdapat penurunan Jumlah koloni Vibrio cholerae pada imunisasi 49.8 kDa Shigella flexneri turun signifikan dibanding kelompok kelompok kontrol positif. Jumlah koloni Vibrio cholerae pada imunisasi 37.8 kDa Vibrio cholerae turun signifikan dibanding kelompok kelompok kontrol positif, Serta tidak ada perbedaan pada kedua pemberian imunisasi. Dapat disimpulkan kedua molekul adhesin 37,8 kDa Vibrio cholerae dan 49.8 kDa Shigella flexneri bersifat protektif mencegah Shigellosis pada mencit. Adanya kesamaan sifat tersebut mengindikasikan reaksi silang respon imunAantara molekul adhesin Vibrio cholerae dan Shigella flexneri.

English Abstract

Immunization in diarrhea has developed with the discovery of the Shigella dysentriae adhesion molecule with molecular weight 49.8 kDa and 7.9 molecule which has a cross reaction.Also found adhesion molecule 37.8 in Vibrio cholarae which is protective against diarrhea. Molecular cross reactions of 7.9 kDa and 49.8 kDa in Shigella flexneri also have potential to have a cross reaction with molecule 37.8 kDa Vibrio cholera because of the same basic properties so that they have the opportunity to be a homologous vaccine. There are 3 sample groups positive control (Vibrio cholerae infection), immunization control with adhesion molecule 49.8 kDa Shigella flexneri and adhesion molecule immunization 37.8 kDa Vibrio cholerae group. Based on the results of the Kruskal Wallis analysis and the Mann-Whitney post hoc test, The number of Vibrio cholerae colonies in control group with immunization of 49.8 kDa Shigella flexneri dropped significantly compared to the positive controls. The number of Vibrio cholerae colonies in controls treatment with 37.8 kDa Vibrio cholerae drop significantly compared to the positive. And there were no differences between both of immunization. It can be concluded adhesin molecules 37.8 kDa Vibrio cholerae and 49.8 kDa Shigella flexneri are protective to protect diarrhea in mice. The similarity of these characteristics indicates a cross reaction of the immune response between adhesion molecules Vibrio cholerae and Shigella flexneri.

Other obstract


Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/FK/2018/618/051901713
Uncontrolled Keywords: diare, molekul adhesi 37.8 Vibrio cholerae, molekul adhesi 49.8 kDa Shigella flexneri, diarhea, adhesion molecule 37.8 Vibrio cholera, adhesion molecule 49.8 kDa Shigella flexneri.
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 615 Pharmacology and therapeutics > 615.3 Organics drugs > 615.37 Immunologic drugs and immune serums > 615.372 Vaccines
Divisions: Fakultas Kedokteran > Pendidikan Dokter
Depositing User: Nur Cholis
Date Deposited: 19 May 2020 11:16
Last Modified: 21 Oct 2021 04:42
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